Study on the incidence of 13一Thalassemia and genotypes among children under 7 year-olds in Nanning。Liuzhou and Baise areas。Guangxi province
收稿日期:2009-02-10  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: D地中海贫血  基因型  发生率  儿童
英文关键词: B—Thalassemia  Genotypes  Incidence rate  Children
基金项目:广西壮族自治Ⅸ科技厅科学研究与技术开发计划(桂科能 0511200l√IE)
仇小强 广西医科大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室, 南宁 530021 
陈萍 儿科血红蛋白研究室 
张凝 儿科血红蛋白研究室 
曾小云 广西医科大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室, 南宁 530021 
黄才千 广西医科大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室, 南宁 530021 
陈文强 儿科血红蛋白研究室 
林伟雄 儿科血红蛋白研究室 
李树全 儿科血红蛋白研究室 
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      目的对广西南宁、柳州、百色地区7岁以下儿童进行p地中海贫血发生率及基因突变类型分析。方法按分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取南宁、柳州和百色地区7岁以下儿童共2261 名,进行血常规检测、血红蛋白(Hb)分析和B珠蛋白基因分析。结果2261名儿童中,Hb分析显示125名HbA:升高,经基因分析诊断为B地中海贫血杂合子。p地中海贫血的发生率为5.53%。共检出CD41.42基因突变59例,CDl7基因突变33例,TATAboxnt.28基因突变18例,IVS-II一654基 因突变7例,CD43基因突变3例,HbE基因突变3例,CD71—72基因突变1例,及TATAboxnt-29基因突变1例。基因型频率依次为:CD4142为47.20%、CDl7为26.40%、TATAboxnt-28为14.40%、 Ⅳs.Ⅱ.654为5.60%、CD43为2.40%、HbE为2.40%、CD71.72为0.80%和TATAbox nt-29为 O.80%。结论研究显示调查的3个地区地中海贫血发生率较高;7岁以下儿童中存在D地中海贫血基因突变携带者。
      Objective To conduct research of 13-Thalassemia incidence and genotypes on children below 7 years of age in Nanning。Liuzhou and Baise areas,Guangxi province. Methods A total of 2261 children aged below 7 in Nanning.Liuzhou and Baise areas were studied. Venous blood was detected by routine blood test,hemoglobin analysis and 13-Thalassemia genotyping. Results Among 226l samples,125 showed high level of HbA2 and were diagnosed as 3- Thalassemia(5。53%).Genotypes of the patients were classified as:59 cases with IB-globin gene condon(CD)41-42 mutation,33 cases CDl7 mutation,18 cases with TA TA box nt一28 mutation,7 with IVS.11.654 mutation。3 with CD43 mutation。3 wiⅡl HbE mutation,one with CD7l-72 and TATA box nt.29 mutation.respectively.The genotyping frequencies of 13-Thalassemia were as follows:47.20%for CD4l-42 mutation.26.40%for CDl7 mutation,14.40%for TATAbOX nt-28 mutation.5.60%for IVS.II.654 mutation,2.40%for CD43 mutation,2.40%for HbE mutation,0.80%for CD7 1.72 mutation and L『I=Abox nt.29 mutation respectively.Conclusion This study on children in the area with high incidence of 13-Thalassemia reflected the incidence and characteristics of genotypes in this area.Our data also provided evidence for the development of a program on genetic counseling and prevention for thalassemia.
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