Gender analysis on prenatal care in rural areas of Xinjiang and Anhui province
收稿日期:2009-01-07  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 孕产期保健  社会性别  妇女  农村地区
英文关键词: renatal care  Gender  Wbmen  Rural areas
杨丽 中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心国际合作项目部, 北京 100013  
吕孟涛 中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心国际合作项目部, 北京 100013  
崔颖 中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心国际合作项目部, 北京 100013 cuiying@chinawch.org.cn 
邓立娜 中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心国际合作项目部, 北京 100013  
田晓波 中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心国际合作项目部, 北京 100013  
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      目的了解新疆和安徽农村地区已婚育龄妇女社会性别意识及孕产期保健状况,分析孕产期保健行为及其影响凶素。方法采用整群随机抽样方法获得凋查对象,由调查员对其进 行面对面问卷调查。结果新疆和安徽农村地区妇女社会经济地位较低,93.2%的妇女文化程度在初中及以下,妇女政治意识和行动不足,只有63.1%的被调查妇女亲自参与选举并投了票。在家庭日常生活中,妇女家庭地位与男性相当,但家庭重要事务的决策权仍主要掌握在男性手中,如 47.3%的家庭由丈夫当家;37.7%的家庭由丈夫管理钱财;当家庭有大笔开销时,35.2%的家庭都是由丈夫决定;当妇女和丈夫处理同一问题的意见不一致时,“大多数是按照丈夫意见办”占44.2%, “大多数是按妻子的意见办”占6.3%。妇女社会性别意识各条目得分普遍不高,尤其表现在性的平等意识以及对男性的领导态度上。在孕产期保健行为上,73.9%的妇女进行了产前检查,未住院分娩的妇女占30.3%。社会性别意识、文化程度等因素对妇女的孕产期保健行为具有显著影响。结论提高农村妇女社会经济、家庭地位和社会性别意识是加强孕产期保健工作的重要领域,应提高农村妇女的文化程度和社会性别意识,促进孕产期保健水平的提高。
      Objective To introduce the gender-specific view to the prenatal care and analysing the health behavior and its influencing factors.Methods Random sampling in cluster was used to select those study population and face to face interview was carried out at their residence in Xinjiang andAnhui province.Results The overall socioeconomic status of women in taral areas of Xinjiang andAnhui province WaS lOW and 93.2%of the women had education level on junior middle school or below.Politically women were less interested in these issues with only 63.1%of them ever participated in the election program or voting.In household daily life.womerl’s status was almost equal to or even higher than men,but men always called the shots when something important in family happened.Men still held the power of decision making.In 47.3%of the families,the husband played adecisive role on decision making.In 37.7%of the families。husbands controlled the money. When getting into expensive expenditure.35.2%of the families having men made thefinal approval. When there were different opinions between the couples.husband usually made the firml decision in 44.2%of all the families compared to 6.3%of the families that wives made the firml decision.73.9% of women under survey had undergone prenatal examination and the rate on household deliveries reached30.3%.Both gender consciousness and educational level had influenced the effect on prenatal care.Conclusion It iS important to better prenatal health service in rural areas and to improve socioeconomic statuS on gender consciousness of women.
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