柳洋,鲁恩洁,王玉林,狄飚,李铁钢,周勇,杨丽莉,许晓茵,傅传喜,王鸣.广州市禽类从业人群禽流感病毒感染特征分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2009,30(11):1111-1113 |
广州市禽类从业人群禽流感病毒感染特征分析 |
Avian influenza virus infection in people occupied in poultry fields in Guangzhou city |
收稿日期:2009-07-15 出版日期:2014-09-17 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 禽流感 H5N1 H9N2 HTN7 感染率 |
英文关键词: Avian influenza H5Nl H9N2 H7N7 Infection rate |
基金项目:广州市科技局项目(2005J3-E0611/200623-E5141) |
摘要点击次数: 3531 |
全文下载次数: 1152 |
中文摘要: |
目的应用血清流行病学调查广州市禽类从业人群感染禽流感病毒H5N1、H9N2、H7N7的状况,分析其感染特征.方法采集广州市与禽类接触相关的职业人群血清,包括农贸市场活禽零售与非禽类零售人群、企业化家禽养殖与农村家禽散养人群、活禽批发市场人群、野生鸟驯养人群、生猪屠宰人群以及-般人群,用血凝抑制试验、中和抗体试验检测H5、H9、H7 IgG抗体|使用logistic回归分析、f检验分析感染率分布.结果2881名调查对象中检测出4例H5抗体阳性(0.14%)|146例H9抗体阳性(5.07%),其中以活禽零售人群H9感染率最高(14.96%),企业化家禽养殖人群为8.90%,活禽批发人群为6.69%,野生鸟驯养人群为3.75%,生猪养殖人群2.40%,非禽类零售人群为2.21%,农村家禽散养人群为1.77%,-般人群为2.30%.而1926名禽类从业人群中H7抗体均为阴性.结论人群中H5感染率较低,而H9感染率较高,未检测到H7感染|活禽零售、家禽批发、企业化家禽养殖等职业具有较高感染禽流感病毒的风险,其中以活禽零售感染风险最高,且接触家禽时间越长感染风险越高. |
英文摘要: |
Objective To conduct serological investigation on H5N1/H9N2/H7N7 infection among people occupied in poultry fields.Methods Serum samples were collected from people working in live poultry and none-poultry retailing food markets, poultry wholesaling, large-scale poultry breading factories and in small.scale farms, wide birds breeding, swine slaughtering houses and from normal population. Antibodies of H5.H9 and H7 with hemagglutination inhibition and neutralization tests were tested and analyzed.Logistic regression and T2 test were used. Results Among 2881 samples.4 were positive to H5.Ab(0.14%), 146 were positive to H9.Ab(5.07%) and the prevalence of H9 among people from live poultry retailing(1 4.96%)was the highest.Prevatence rates of H9 were as follows:8.90% in people working in the large-scale poultry breading factories, 6.69%in the live poultry wholesaling business.3.75%in the wide birds breeding, 2.40%in the swine slaughtering.2.2 1%in the non.poultry retailing.1.77%in the rural poultry farmers and 2.30%in nOlTnal population.None was positive to H7.Ab among l 926 poultry workers.Conclusion The H5 prevalence among people Was much lower than expected.but the H9 prevalence was higher.None of the populations tested was found positive to H7.Ab. There Was a hilgher risk of AIV infection i11 live poultry retailing.wholesaling and large. Scale breading businesses, with the risk of live poultry retailing tIle highest.The longer the service length was.the higher the risk existed. |
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