Personal protective and healthcare seeking behaviors urban residents before and during an influenza pandemic in Beijing
收稿日期:2009-06-12  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 甲型H1NI流感  个人防护行为  抽样调查
英文关键词: Novel influenzaA(HlNl)  Personal protective behavior  Survey
赵金辉 中国现场流行病学培训班, 100050  
周晓磊 中国现场流行病学培训班, 100050  
苏杨 中国现场流行病学培训班, 100050  
姜晓红 中国现场流行病学培训班, 100050  
张丽杰 中国现场流行病学培训班, 100050  
马会来 中国疾病预防控制中心, 100050  
施国庆 中国疾病预防控制中心, 100050  
朱保平 中国疾病预防控制中心, 100050  
曾光 中国疾病预防控制中心, 100050 zeng4605@vip.sina.com 
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      目的了解甲型H1NI流感流行期间北京市城区居民个人防护行为和就医行为.方法运用Mitofsky.Waksberg二阶段抽样方法,电话调查北京市城区≥18岁居民,询问甲型H1N1流感流行前夕和大流行时,居民个人防护和就医等行为变化.结果共调查286名居民(应答率为62%).居民打喷嚏遮挡的比例,在家(77%, 95%CI:71%~82%)低于公共场所(93%,95%CI:89%~96%).在家中,66%(95%CI:57%-74%)用手遮挡,33%(95%CI:25%-42%) 用纸巾遮挡, 0.4% (95%CI:0.1%-2.9%)用衣袖遮挡.在公共场所用手、纸和衣袖遮挡的比例分别为"%(95%CI:56%-7I%)、33%(95%CI26%- 41%)、O%;用手遮挡打喷嚏后洗手在公共场所中的比例(46%,95%CI:32%~59%)低于家中(77%,95%CI:64%~89%).大流行发生时戴口罩(63%,95% CI:56%- 70%)、接种疫苗(43%,95%CI:37%-50%)的比例均明显高于大流行前夕(分别为3.5%,95%CI:1.7%-7.0%/13%,95%CI:9.8% ~18%);大流行时因甲型H1N1流感就诊的比例(86%,95%CI:8l%~89%)与流行前夕(76%,95%CI:70%~81%)的差异无统计学意义.流行前夕选择三级医院就诊比例为71% (95%CI:63%~78%).大流行时为74%(95%CI:66%-80%).结论北京市居民打喷嚏后用衣袖或纸巾遮挡、洗手的比例较低,需要加大宣传正确的个人防护行为|选择三级医院就诊比例较高,需要优化和引导就诊倾向.
      Objective To provide evidence.based recommendations to the govemment on strategies for reducing the jmpact of the imminent jnfluenza pandemic.we conducted a survey on the personal protective and healthcare seeking behaviors of Beijing residents in the wake of the worldwide epidemic of the novel 2009 H1N1 influenza virus.and potential changes in these behaviors during a full-blown pandemic.Methods We used atwo-stage Mitofsky.Waksberg telephone survey to collect information for Beijing residents≥1 8 years of age and weighted the sample by the census estimate of Beiiing population for 2008.A structured questionnaire was used to collect information about the respondents'knowledge regarding the novel jnfluenza virus.current personal protective and healthcare seeking behaviors during a full.blown influenza pandemic. Results 286 Beijing urban residents were interviewed during May 15 to 18 (response rate:62%). 77%(95%CI:7l%-82%)of the residents that they would cover their sneezes at home.and 93%(95%CI:89%-96%)would do so in a public place.Of the residents would cover their sneezes at home.66%(95%CI:57%-74%)would covered their sneezes by hand, 33%(95%CI:25%-42%)by facial tissue.and only 0.4%(95%CI:0.1%-2.9%)by sleeves.Similarly, of the residents would cover their sneezes at a public place, 64%(95%CI:56%-7l%)would cover their sneezes by hand.33%(95%CI:26%-4l%)by facial tissue and 0%by sleeves.46%(95%CI:32%-59%)of the residents would wash their hands after covering their sneezes with hand in public places, and 77%(95%CI:64%-89%)would do so at home.Higher percentages of residents would wear a mask(63%, 95%CI:56%-70%)and get vaccinated(43%.95%CI:37%-50%)during a pandemic than under currently situation(3.5%, 95%CI :1.7%-7.0%for wearing a mask|13%.95%CI:9.8%-18%for geaing vaccinated).86%(95%CI: 8l%-89%)of the residents would visit a doctor for an influenza-like iIlness during a pandemic.similar to the percentage currently seen (76%.95%CI:70%-8l%).7l%(95% CI:63%-78%)of the residents would visit a doctor for influenza.1ike illheSS and would choose a tertiary medical center|with percenmge(74%.95%CI:66%-80%)similar to the one during a pandemic.Conelusion Beijing residents need to be aware of the proper ways to cover their noses when sneezing(especially using their sleeves more).and to wash their hands.An effective plan to triage patients should be immediately established to efficiently utilize the Jimited healthcare resources.which would likely be further strained during apandemic.
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