The median SUrvival and the effect of antiretroviral therapy among HIV.positive former blood donors in Anhui province
收稿日期:2009-04-20  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 艾滋病病毒感染  既往献血员  中位生存时间  抗病毒治疗
英文关键词: Human immunodeficiency virus infection  Former blood donors  Median survival time:Antiretroviral therapy
王霞 北京协和医学院公共卫生学院, 100730  
丁心平 安徽省阜阳市疾病预防控制中心  
苏斌 安徽省疾病预防控制中心  
徐臣 安徽省阜阳市疾病预防控制中心  
刘媛 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
张言敏 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
祝军玲 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
韩丽涛 中国人民大学信息学院  
阮玉华 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
邵-鸣 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心 yshao@bbn.cn 
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      目的了解安徽省阜阳市因献血感染HIV既往献血员的生存时间及抗病毒治疗效果.方法对HIV阳性既往献血员进行回顾性调查,同时统计存活的H1V感染者参与抗病毒治疗情况.利用韦伯(Weibull)函数计算中位生存时间,通过比较抗病毒治疗后的实际死亡例数和未治疗感染者的理论死亡例数来评价抗病毒治疗效果.结果安徽省阜阳市既往献血人群HIV感染平均时间为1994年底,未接受抗病毒治疗的HtV阳性既往献血人群中位生存时间为10.8年.截至2008年9月,感染HIV的159例既往献血员中有74例接受抗病毒治疗,调查时的CD4+T淋巴细胞计数均数为475.1个/μl,显著高于治疗前的247.8个/μl(P <0.0001).实际死亡761例,比利用韦伯函数计算的预期死亡数减少31.7%.结论研究结果与UNAIDS提出的未使用抗病毒药物治疗HIV感染的中位生存时间为11年左右基本相符.白2003年以来,艾滋病抗病毒治疗减少了约1/3的预期死亡例数.
      Objective To estimate the median survival and the effect of antiretroviral therapy(ART)among HIV-positive former blood donors of Fuyang in Anhui province, China.Methods A retrospective survey was conducted among HIV-positive former blood donors, and data was collected on survivors who had received ART.Weibull function was used to calculate median survival of HIV-positive former blood donors.The effect of ART was estimated through comparing the actual number of deaths after ART with the expected number of deaths in those who did not receive ART.Results The median period of HIV infe:ction was at the end of l 994.with the median survival of HIV-positive former blood donors in Fuyang as l0.8 years.By the end of September 2008, among l59 former blood donors.74 received ART.with their mean CD4 +T-cell count increased from 247.8/μl to 475.1/μl(P<0.0001).76 of the 159 former blood donors died.When comparing the expected number of deaths calculated by Weibull function.31.7%of the total number of deaths was reduced.Conclusion Result from this study was in consistent to the UNAIDS' figures that in the absence of treatment. the net median survival time after infection wim HIV was estimated to be 1l years andART has reduced about one third of the expected deaths.
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