Birth weight distribution among premature infants and related social factors
收稿日期:2009-04-16  出版日期:2014-09-24
中文关键词: 早产  社会因素  发生率
英文关键词: Premature delivery  Social factors  Incidence rates
郭丽君 新乡医学院管理学院, 453003 yerw@bjmu.edu.cn 
叶荣伟 北京大学生育健康研究所  
王桂霞 新乡医学院管理学院, 453003  
王娟 北京大学生育健康研究所  
李智文 北京大学生育健康研究所  
任爱国 北京大学生育健康研究所  
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      目的 了解早产儿体重分布状况及早产相关社会因素.方法 研究对象为1995-2000年江苏、浙江省4县(市)分娩孕满28~41周的单胎活产儿的97 537名妇女.采用X2检验比较各组率的差别,应用单因素方差分析比较两组第一次产前检查孕周及产前检查总次数的差异.运用两分类多元logistic回归分析早产的影响因素.结果 4县(市)≥t35岁妇女早产发生率(8.8%)高于<24岁(5.6%)、25~29岁(4.6%)和30~34岁组(4.5%).身高<149 cm的妇女早产发生率(6.8%)高于身高≥150 cm的妇女(5.0%).孕早、中期BMI≥28.0及BMI 24.0~28.0妇女的早产发生率(均为5.5%)高于BMI 18.5~24.0(5.0%)、BMI<18.5的妇女(4.6%).初次怀孕妇女的早产发生率(6.0%)高于孕次≥4次(5.7%)、2次(4.3%)和3次的妇女(4.0%).产次≥2次妇女的早产发生率(9.3%)高于待产妇女(5.2%)和产1次的妇女(4.5%).孕早期没有接受早孕检查的妇女早产发生率(6.1%)高于进行早孕检查妇女(4.7%).早产妇女的产前检查总次数(8.53次)也低于足月产妇女(10.97次).产前检查次数<4次妇女的早产发生率(18.9%)明显高于产前检查次数≥5次妇女(4.9%).生育年龄大、身材矮、体重指数大、初孕、多产次、孕早期检查少、产前检查次数少是过期妊娠的影响因素.结论 生育年龄大、身材矮、BMI大、初孕、多产次、孕早期检查少、产前检查次数少等与早产有关.
      Objective To understand the distribution of birth weight among premature infants and the associated social factors.Methods The study population consisted of 97 537 women who delivered singleton live birth of 20 to 41 gestational weeks in 4 counties/cities,Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces,China from 1995 to 2000.Chi-square test was employed to test the difference of proportions between respective groups.One-way ANOVA was used to test the differences regarding the mean of gestational weeks at the first prenatal visit and the mean of prenatal visits between the two groups.Multivariate logistic regression was conducted to examine the factors associated with premature birth.Results Women aged 35 years had higher(8.8%)premature incidence than those aged less than 24 years(5.6%),25-29 years(4.6%),or 30-34 years(4.5%,P<0.001).Women with height less than 149 cm had higher(6.8%)premature incidence than those with height taller than 150 cm(5.0%).Women whose BMI were at least 28 and 24-28 had higher(5.5%,5.5%)premature incidences than those whose BMI were 18.5-24.0(5.0%),<18.5(4.6%,P<0.001).The incidence of premature birth was 6.0% among women without previous pregnancy,higher than that among those women with 4 times of pregnancies(5.7%),2 times of pregnancies(4.3%),and 3 times of pregnancies(4.0%).Parous women with at least two deliveries had higher(9.3%)premature incidence than the primiparous women(5.2%)and whose women with only one delivery (4.5%,P<0.001).Women who received early prenatal care had lower 4.7% premature incidence than those who did not receive the service(6.1%).The mean times of prenatal visits among women with premature births was 8.53,less than that of those with full term delivery(10.97).Women with less than four times of prenatal visit had higher(18.9%)premature incidence than those with at least five prenatal visits(4.9%).Multivariate logistic regression showed that premature delivery risk was associated with age,height,BMI,gravidity,parity,early prenatal care,the mean of gestational weeks at first prenatal visit and the mean number of prenatal visits etc.Conclusion Premature delivery risk was associated with factors as age,height,BMI,gravidity,parity,early prenatal care,the mean of gestational weeks at first prenatal visit,the mean number of prenatal visits etc.
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