Applying multilevel models in evaluation of bioequivalence(Ⅰ)
收稿日期:2009-05-31  出版日期:2014-09-24
中文关键词: 多水平模型  生物等效性  交叉试验设计  方差分量
英文关键词: Multilevel model  Bioequivalence  Cross-over test design  Variance components
刘巧兰 四川大学华西公共卫生学院, 成都 610041 m.yang@qmul.ac.uk 
沈卓之 四川大学华西公共卫生学院, 成都 610041  
陈峰 南京医科大学公共卫生学院  
李晓松 四川大学华西公共卫生学院, 成都 610041  
杨珉 英国伦敦大学玛丽女王医学院  
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      This study aims to explore the application value of multilevel models for bioequivalence evaluation.Using a real example of 2×4 cross-over experimental design in evaluating bioequivalence of antihypertensive drug,this paper explores complex variance components corresponding to criteria statistics in existing methods recommended by FDA but obtaines in multilevel models analysis.Results are compared with those from FDA standard Method of Moments,specifically on the feasibility and applicability of multilevel models in directly assessing the bioequivalence(ABE),the population bioequivalence(PBE)and the individual bioequivalence (IBE).When measuring ln(AUC),results from all variance components of the test and reference groups such as total variance(σ_(TT)~2 and σ_(TR)~2),between-subject variance(σ_(BT)~2 and σ_(BR)~2)and within-subject variance(σ_(WT)~2 and σ_(WR)~2)estimated by simple 2-level models are very close to those that using the FDA Method of Moments.In practice,bioequivalence evaluation can be carried out directly by multilevel models,or by FDA criteria,based on variance components estimated from multilevel models.Both approaches produce consistent results.Multilevel models can be used to evaluate bioequivalence in cross-over test design.Compared to FDA methods,this one is more flexible in decomposing total variance into sub components in order to evaluate the ABE,PBE and IBE.Multilevel model provides a new way into the practice of bioequivalence evaluation.
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