Study on the relations between high-sk human papiIlomavirus and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in married women from Beijing
收稿日期:2009-07-03  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 乳头状瘤病毒  宫颈上皮内瘤变  相荚性研究
英文关键词: Human papillomavirus  Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia  Relativity study
武明辉 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院保健部产科, 肿瘤科妇科微创中心 100026  
张淞文 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院保健部产科, 肿瘤科妇科微创中心 100026  
张为远 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院保健部产科, 肿瘤科妇科微创中心 100026 zhangwy9921@hotmail.com 
周保利 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院保健部产科, 肿瘤科妇科微创中心 100026  
谢争 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院保健部产科, 肿瘤科妇科微创中心 100026  
王建东 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院保健部产科, 肿瘤科妇科微创中心 100026  
代荫梅 北京, 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院保健部产科, 肿瘤科妇科微创中心 100026  
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      目的探讨北京地区已婚妇女生殖道高危型人乳头状瘤病毒(HR-HPV)感染与官颈上皮内瘤变(CrN)的现患状况及其相关性。方法于2007年3月至2008年9月采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,在北京地区抽取12个区县137个社区25~54岁已婚妇女6185名,进行妇科体检、官颈HR.HPV及细胞学检测,并进行问卷调查。对}f{现不典型鳞状上皮细胞及以上细胞学异常改变的妇女进行宫颈病理学检查。应用EpiData 3.0软件双次录入、审核数据后,使用SPSS 15.0软件进行统计分析。结果(I)北京地区25~54岁已婚妇女生殖道HR.HPV感染率为9.9%,宫颈病变患病率为6.O%;(2)HR.HPV感染及官颈病变患病高峰年龄均为30一34岁组;(3)HR-HPV感染者的宫颈细胞学异常率(40.3%)、宫颈病变患病率(30.4%)均明显高于未感染者;(4)多元logistic同归分析显示,与正常人群相比,HR-HPV感染对宫颈上皮内低度病变(ciN I)组和高度病变及癌症(一>CIN II)组的OR值分别为8.385和97.416,归因危险度百分比分别为88.1%和99.O%。结论HR.HPV感染为宫颈病变的主要因素;30-34岁的已婚妇女是生殖道HR.HPV感染和宫颈病变的高发人群。
      Objective To investigate the prevalence and relationship between high risk human papillomavirus(HR.HPV)and cervicaI intraepitheliaI neoplasia(CIN)in married women from Belling.Methods From March 2007 to September 2008.a total of 6l 85 married women Wgl'e sampled.covering 137 communities in 12 districts.The samples were screened by high-risk HPVDNA test(HC2)and cytological test.For thOSe participants with cytological test results≥ASCUS.pathological tests were performed.An interview was also carried out with the same questionnaire.Results from the tests were inputted into the database twice using EpiData 3.0.reviewed,analyzed,using SPSS l 5.0.Results (1)The prevalence rates of HR-HPV and CIN were 9.9%and 6.0%。respectively for the age group 25 to 54.(2)The peak age groups for HR-HPV and CIN prevalence rates were 30 to 34 years old.(3)The prevalence rates of positive cytology(40.3%)and CIN (30.4%)in HR.肿V positive female population were significantly higIler than that in HR-HPVnegative group.(4)Data from unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that.when comparing with the normal SUbicots,the risk odds ratios of HR-HPV with lOW grade CINand cervical cancer/high grade CIN were 8.385 and 97.416 and the attributable risk proportions with these groups were 88.1% and 99.O%.respectively.Conclusion HR.HPV infection seemed to be the main risk factor for CIN.Married women.from age group 30-34,were under the hJigh risk group in both HR-HPV infection andCIN incidence.
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