Status of enterovirus infection and molecular identiffcation among healthy children at the areas bordering Myanmar,in Yunnan province,China
收稿日期:2009-08-12  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 肠道病毒  测序定型  健康儿童
英文关键词: Enterovirus  Typing by sequencing  Healthy children
丁峥嵘 昆明, 云南省疾病预防控制中心, 650022 yncpidzr@sohu.com 
汤晶晶 昆明, 云南省疾病预防控制中心, 650022  
田炳均 昆明, 云南省疾病预防控制中心, 650022  
张杰 昆明, 云南省疾病预防控制中心, 650022  
李立群 昆明, 云南省疾病预防控制中心, 650022  
赵智娴 昆明, 云南省疾病预防控制中心, 650022  
何丽芳 昆明, 云南省疾病预防控制中心, 650022  
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      目的了解缅甸入境健康儿童和云南省口岸地区健康儿童肠道病毒(EV)携带情况及病毒型别特征。方法在10个边境口岸<15岁的健康儿童中采集粪便标本,进行病毒分离和型别鉴定。共采集到319份粪便标本。脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)病毒(PV)用抗体中和试验鉴定,并送国家脊灰实验室进行型内鉴别;非脊灰肠道病毒(NPEv,用基因测序方法进行鉴定;腺病毒用血清学方法鉴定。结果共检测到EV 53株(带病毒率为16.6%),其中PV23株(阳性率7.2%)经国家脊灰实验室证实均为疫苗株,未发现脊灰野病毒;NPEV 30株(阳性率9.4%),经VPl区核苷酸序列测定,除1株未被所有EV通用引物扩增外,其余29株分别属于HEV-A组(1株,1个血清型,占3.3%)、HEV-B组(20株,11个血清型,占66.7%),HEV-C组(8株,4个m清型,占26.7%),未检测HEV-D组病毒。同时还检测到腺病毒4株,阳性率为I.25%。分别做B组和c组病毒基因树,相同型别的分离株都与对应的标准株聚集在一起。同源性计算表明,分离株与对应标准株的核苷酸同源性及氨基酸同源性分别在75%和85%以上,符合国际测序定型标准。结论在中国云南省与缅甸接壤地区,EV携带率较高,特别是PV阳性率高于急性弛缓性麻痹常规监测。EV中以HEV-B组病毒为主,病毒血清型的分布具有多样性,并发现EV73(2株)、EV75(1株)、EV80(1株)和EV96(4株)等新型EV。
      Objective To explore the enterovirus infection status among healthy ehildren under l 5 years old in the border areas of Yunnan province that connecting Myanmar.Methods A total of 3 19 stool samples were collected from healthy children in the 1 0 entrance口orts.Enterovirus was isolated from these stool samples and thell poliovirus and adenovirus were serotyped by neutralization test USing specific anti.sera.All the non-polio enteroviruses(NPEVs)were identified by partial sequencing of VPl gene.Results A11 53 enterovirus were isolated from 319 stool samples and 16.6%of them carried the virus.23 polio virus(PVs)and 30 NPEVs were isolated with rates of carrying the virus were 7.2%and 9.4%respectively.4 adenovirus were also isolated with a rate as 1.25%.1 isolate could not be amplified by any Pan-enterovirus primers or by RT-PCR SO Was not able to be sequenced.The results of NPEVs sequencing showed that:1 isolate(3.3%)Was classified into 1 serotype of HEV-A while 20 isolates(66.7%)were classified into ll serotypes of HEV二B and 8 isolates(26.7%)were classified into 3 serotypes of HEV-C.However。we could not isolate any viruses that belong to HEV-D.tit.Result from the aa identify calculation showed that the nt and aa identification between isolates and corresponding standard strains were more than 75%and 85%respectively.111e findings were similar to the intemational standards.Conclusion Our results showed that the rate of carrying the enterovirus especially poliovirus in some areas of Yunnan province that bordering Myanmar Was hi.gher than that of rate through the routine acute flaccid paralysis detection system.of tlle enterovirus isolated.HEV二B group appeared the predominant with the wide spread of enterovirus serotype.Some newer enterovirus were also detected such as EV73(2strains).EV75(1 strain),EV80(1 strain)and EV96(4 strains).
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