Analysis on bacillary dysentery surveillance data collected from the National Surveillance System in 2007
收稿日期:2009-09-27  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 细菌性痢疾  志贺菌属  监测
英文关键词: Dysentery  Shigella  Surveillance
钟豪杰 广州, 广东省疾病预防控制中心, 510300  
常昭瑞 中国疾病预防控制中心疾病控制应急办公室  
张静 中国疾病预防控制中心疾病控制应急办公室 jkccdc@vip.sina.com 
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      目的 分析"国家疾病报告管理信息系统"及细菌性痢疾(菌痢)国家级监测点上报的监测数据,提出完善国家菌痢监测方案的建议.方法 利用"国家疾病报告管理信息系统"的数据进行描述流行病学分析,并与国家级监测点上报的监测数据比较,分析监测中存在的问题.结果国家菌痢监测点婴儿菌痢病例的检出率为1%,低于其他各年龄组检出率;以3~9岁儿童的阳性分离率最高.依据菌痢监测病例定义进行的临床诊断,菌痢漏诊率为23.38%,而0岁组婴儿病例的菌痢诊断漏诊率为50%.病原菌型监测显示,福氏志贺菌和宋内志贺菌分别占57.21%和42.41%.监测点实验室确诊病例中有43.39%的病例未能与"疾病监测信息报告管理系统"病例匹配.结论 菌痢诊断标准中的病例定义不能有效发现婴儿菌痢病例,建立以临床和实验室相结合的菌痢主动监测体系是"疾病监测信息报告管理系统"的必要补充,尤其是对婴幼儿菌痢.
      Objective To improve the national surveillance plan on bacillary dysentery and to increase the sensitivity of the surveillance system on the disease. Methods Data was collected through China Disease Reporting Information System (CDRIS) and National Sentinel Surveillance Sites on bacillary dysentery. Data from the CDRIS was compared with the data from the National Sentinel Surveillance to identify the exiting problems. Results Data from the monitoring sites showed that the detection rate of infant cases of bacillary dysentery infection was 1%,less than that of other age groups. The highest rates were seen in children aged 3 through 9 years. Rate on misdiagnosis in all age group was 23.38%,when using the surveillance case definition of clinical cases and suspect case. The rate of misdiagnosis on infant cases of bacillary dysentery infection by clinical diagnosis was 50%. It showed that Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei were dominant with the positive rates as 57.21% and 42.41%,respectively. From the national sentinel surveillance sites,the confirmed cases taking up 43.39% which did not match the figure from the CDRIS. Conclusion The diagnostic criterion for bacillary dysentery fit well on other age groups in surveillance system except on infants. Active surveillance on bacillary dysentery that combining both clinical and laboratory diagnosis seems quite necessary on CDRIS,especially for infants.
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