Heritability of serum uric acid in adult twins
收稿日期:2009-10-14  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 血尿酸|双生子|遗传度
英文关键词: Serum uric acid|Twins|Heritability
段海平 青岛大学医学院, 266033
逢增昌 青岛大学医学院, 266033 edcpang@126.oom 
张东峰 青岛大学医学院, 266033  
汪韶洁 青岛市疾病预防控制巾心  
翟耀明 青岛市疾病预防控制巾心  
张栋 青岛大学医学院, 266033  
谭启华 University of Southern Denmark  
摘要点击次数: 3559
全文下载次数: 1270
      目的 用双生子研究方法对成年人血尿酸的遗传度进行估计。方法 从青岛双生子库募集成年双生子。测量身高、体重和血尿酸。相同性别的双生子采用16个多态标记进行卵型鉴定。通过校正年龄、性别和BMI, 来构建结构方程模型估计遗传度。结果共收集687对双生子数据, 其中同卵双生子420对, 异卵双生子267对。经平方根转换后, 男性血尿酸水平(17.47±1.91)略高于女性(15.22±1.70)(P<0.0001), 通过校正年龄、性别和BMI后双生子血尿酸的组内相关系数分别为, 同卵双生子0.70、异卵双生子0.40。运用性别限制模型进行拟合, 最佳模型AE模型, 加性别遗传因素和特殊环境因素共同作用血尿酸的水平。血尿酸的遗传度为70.5%(95%CI:65.9~74.6), 特殊环境因素占29.5%(95%CI:25.4~34.2)。结论遗传因素是影响样本双生子血尿酸水平的主要因素。
      Objective To assess the heritability of seranl uric acid in adult, using the classic twin design. Methods Adult Twins were recruited from the Qingdao Twin Registry. Uric acid, height, weight were measured. Zygosity in all the same-sex twin pairs was determined by 16 polymorphic markers. Heritability was assessed by structural equation models, with age, gender and body mass index(BMI) included as covariates. Results In toml, 687 twin pairs were available for data analyses, including 420 pairs of monozygotic and 267 pairs of dizygotic twins. After logarithm transformed, uric acid in males(17.47±1.91) was significantly higher than in females(15.22±1.70, P<0.0001). Atier adjustment on age, sex and BMI, intraclassc orrelations for uric acid were 0.70 for monozygotic twins and 0.40 for dizygotic twins. Tje sex-limitation AE model, combining additive genetic and unique environmental factors, could produce the best fit for the data. Heritability estimate for uric acid was 70.5%(95%CI:65.9-74.6), with the proportion of unique envffonmental effects as 29.5%(95%CI:25.4-34.2). Conclusion Additive genetic effects appeared to be the major eontributor to the variation of uric acid in this twins sample being studied.
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