A comparative study on the risks of esophagus-cancer patients among factors as blood relatives, paternal line, matriarchal and different sex
收稿日期:2009-09-27  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 食管肿瘤|父系|母系|I级亲属|危险度
英文关键词: Esophagus neolcIlasras|Paternal line|Matriarchal|l grade relative|Risk factor
王媛 山西省肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所, 太原 030013 865925755@qq.com 
韩小友 山西省肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所, 太原 030013  
丁悌 山西省肿瘤医院  
许翊 山西省肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所, 太原 030013  
王全红 山西省肿瘤医院  
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      目的 对比分析食管癌病例组与对照组血缘亲属食管癌患病风险, 并了解食管癌家族中危险亲属人群患病的新线索。方法 采用病例对照研究方法, 对食管癌病例组及对照组各720例进行逐层分析, 以比较两组各血缘亲属父系、母系食管癌患病危险度(OR)的大小及差异。结果 (1)病例组I级亲属食管癌患病危险度(1.34%~2.24%)显著高于对照组(0.78%~1.2l%)(P<0.01); Ⅰ级亲属中病例组父母亲食管癌患病危险度为6.11%, 显著高于对照组父母亲食管癌患病危险度2/97%(P<0.01)。(2)以血缘亲属中父系和母系亲属逐层分析可见, 病例组父系食管癌患病危险度(0.87%~1.0l%)与母系患病危险度(0.50%~0.79%)均显著高于对照组父系食管癌患病危险度(0.53%~0.65%)与母系患病危险度(0.38%~0.47%)(P<0.05)。进一步分析显示, 病例组父系中男性亲属与母系中女性亲属, 即父系中祖父、父亲、叔伯食管癌患病危险度为2.68%与母系中外祖母、母亲、姨的食管癌患病危险度1.91%均显著高于对照组父系中男性亲属食管癌患病危险度1.50%与母系中女性亲属食管癌患病危险度0.92%(P<0.01)。结论 山西省食管癌患者血缘亲属发病危险主要是父亲及其兄弟、母亲及其姐妹, 其下代患食管癌风险要大。
      Objective In order to provide new clues on the cause of esophagus-cancer through seeking for information among the relatives of esophagus-cancer-patients at high-risk, contrast analysis was carried out to compare the ORs between esophagus-cancer cases and the relatives of the patients. Methods Case-control study was adopted on 720 cases and 720 controls who were kin relmives of the patients. Results (1)Risk of the relatives to the esophagus-cancer-patient group(1.34%-2.24%) was obviously highel than the control group(0.78%-1.21%)(P<0.01). In l grade relatives, the risk ofparent’s to the esophagus. cancerpatients(6.1l%) was obviously higher than the gontrol group(2.97%)(P<0.01). (2)According to the cascade analysis to the cases of both paternal and matriarchal, lines, results showed that the risks of both the patemal line(0.87%-1.0l%) and the matriarchalline(0.50%-0.79%) in the group of esophagus-cancer cases were all obviously higher than the lines in the Control groups(0.53%-0.65%) and (0.38%-0.47%). Data also showed that the risk among the male relatives of paternal line(eg:grandfathers’, father's, uncles'etc.) in the group of cases was 2.68% while the matriarchal(eg:grandmother's,mother's, aunts'etc. ) was 1.9l%. Both figures were obviously higher than that in the control group(1.50% and 0.92%, P<0.01). Conclusion The risk factor of esophagus cancer of the next generation seemed higher if the father and his brothers or mother and her sisters having had esophagus-cancers.
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