Application of a simple random sampling method on surveys at the community level
收稿日期:2009-09-07  出版日期:2014-09-12
中文关键词: 单纯随机抽样|抽样调查|社区人群
英文关键词: Simple random sampling|Sampling studies|Community surveys
吕筠 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室, 100191  
刘庆敏 杭州市疾病预防控制中心  
任艳军 杭州市疾病预防控制中心  
王文凤 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室, 100191  
宫廷 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室, 100191  
李立明 北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系教育部流行病学重点实验室, 100191 lmlee@pumc.edu.cn 
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      目的 探讨单纯随机抽样设计在社区人群调查中的可行性及调查样本质量。方法 在杭州市下城区和拱墅区根据社区居民电子底册以单纯随机抽样方法抽取居民户, 对户内18~64岁个体采用KISH方法随机抽取一名个体, 两区各需完成500人的调查。结果下城区抽取950户, 完成调查5ll户(53.8%); 拱墅区抽取1380户, 完成调查506户(36.7%)。两区因户内不符合年龄要求的个体、原户搬迁、社区集体拆迁、底册错误等导致的无应答分别为38.3%和43.5%; 各种原因导致的户(或抽中个体)无应答(或拒答)分别为8.0%和19.9%。调查样本与随机抽样户人群的年龄、性别构成无差异。随机抽样户人群与杭州市市区人群性别构成无差异, 但年龄结构偏大。结论 在地域相对局限的社区中, 基于社区居民电子底册实施单纯随机抽样具备可行性, 对调查员的入户时间提出要求, 可保证调查样本对抽样框的代表性。
      Objective To study the feasibility of a simple random sampling on surveys at the community level and to evaluate the quality of samples under survey. Methods A simple random sample of households was taken, based on the electronic listings of community households from Gongshu and Xiacheng districts of Hangzhou city. One of the adults aged 18 to 64 years in the sampled households was identified with KISH method to finish a questionnaire survey. More than 500 people from the sample size was required in each district. Results Of 950 samplad households in Xiacheng district, 511 (53.8%) finished the survey while 506 (36.7%) out of the 1380 sampled households in Gongshu district did. The proportions of non-respouse due to the following reasons as:none with eligiblc age in the households, relocation of the original household, mass relocation of the community, and errors in the household listings etc. were 38.3% and 43.5% respeetively, in the two districts. Proportions attributed to non-response and refusal to response of sampled household or individual were 8.0% and l9.9% respectively. No smtisficai significant differences in age and gender were found between the surveyed samples and the population i11 the sampled honseholds, or in gender between the populations in the sampled households and in Hangzhou city. However, the population in the sampled households showed a more aging population structure than the population in Hangzhou city. Conclusion In a geographically limited area, using a simple random sampling method to do the survey is feasible, based on the electronic listings of household. Enough time spent during the household visit guarantees the interviewers to get a representative sample of the sampling frame. Thereis an urgent need for the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of electronic household listings to be improved.
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