A survey on eperythrozoon infection in the population from Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province
收稿日期:2009-11-03  出版日期:2014-09-10
中文关键词: 附红细胞体  感染率  流行病学
英文关键词: Eperythrozoon  Infection rate  Epidemiology
邓晶 杭州市疾病预防控制中心, 310021 jhhydengjing@163.com 
杨旭辉 杭州市疾病预防控制中心, 310021  
王衡 杭州市疾病预防控制中心, 310021  
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      目的 了解杭州市人群附红细胞体(EPE)感染情况,初步探讨EPE感染的危险因素.方法 对杭州市人群进行问卷调查,并采集其静脉血,采用改良姬-瑞氏快速液染色镜检法检测EPE,使用SPSS 13.0软件统计分析.结果 共调查580人,其中职业人群111人,职业人群内对照118人,外对照351人;共检出EPE感染者54例,总阳性率为9.31%(54/580).职业人群感染率20.72%(23/111)、外对照人群感染率7.12%(25/351)、内对照人群感染率5.08%(6/118),三者之间差异有统计学意义(χ2=21.60,P<0.05).接触动物皮毛、生肉、动物排泄物后及时洗手人群与未及时洗手人群感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.36,P<0.05);用肥皂等清洁用品洗手人群感染率低于只用水洗手的人群,差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.76,P<0.05).未发现居住地、豢养宠物、接触动物皮毛、生肉、动物排泄物、外伤以及就餐情况等为EPE感染的危险因素.文化程度越高者感染EPE的危险性比文化程度低者要小,但结果有待进一步验证.未发现不同饮食习惯人群的感染率有差异.结论 接触活畜、接触后未及时洗手或者不用清洁用品洗手为EPE感染的危险因素.
      Objective To understand the situation of eperythrozoon (EPE) infection in the population from Hangzhou. Methods According to the situation in Hangzhou, a questionnaire was designed to investigate the study population. Venous blood specimens from the studied objects were collected before an Improved Wright-Giemsa Fast Dyeing method was used. Microscopic examination was applied to test their condition of infection. SPSS 13.0 software was applied for statistical analysis.Results Totally, 580 persons were under investigation in this study, including 111 with jobs ( 'occupational' ) and another 118 served as internal controls of them. The rest 351 were considered as external controls. Finally, 54 people were detected as having EPE infection with a total positive rate as 9.31%. The infection rates were 20.72%(23/111), 7.12%(25/351) and 5.08%(6/118) among the 'occupational' population, external controls and the internal controls, respectively. The difference among these three rates was statistically significant (χ2=21.60, P<0.05). There was also significant difference found in the infection rate between people who washed their hands promptly after being exposed to animal coat, raw meat or animal excrements and those who did not wash their hands in time. The infection rate of the population who washed hands with soap or other cleaning products was lower than that of those who washed hands with only water (χ2=6.76, P<0.05). We found that residential area, pet feeding, exposure to animal coat/raw meat/animal excrement, trauma were not risk factors of EPE infection. People with higher education degree had lower risk to EPE infection than those with low education. The infection rate was not different between the populations with different eating habits. The Improved Wright-Giemsa Fast Dyeing method used in this study was good in detecting the positive rates and easy to handle. Conclusion The risk factors to EPE infection were livestock contacting, washing their hands not promptly or washing hands without soap or other cleaning products after contacting.
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