Study on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the Kazakh population in Xinjiang
收稿日期:2010-10-20  出版日期:2014-09-10
中文关键词: 代谢综合征  哈萨克族  患病率  诊断标准
英文关键词: Metabolic syndrome  Kazakh  Prevalence  Diagnosis standard
郭恒 石河子大学医学院预防医学系  
郭淑霞 石河子大学医学院预防医学系 pge888@sina.com 
张景玉 石河子大学医学院预防医学系  
马儒林 石河子大学医学院预防医学系  
芮东升 石河子大学医学院预防医学系  
徐上知 石河子大学医学院预防医学系  
孙凤 石河子大学医学院预防医学系  
胡傲容 随州市疾病预防控制中心, 832002  
杨志明 解放军国际关系学院门诊部  
摘要点击次数: 3602
全文下载次数: 1364
      目的 调查新疆哈萨克族人群代谢综合征(MS)患病状况,并应用美国国家胆固醇教育成人治疗组(NCEP-ATP Ⅲ)、中华医学会糖尿病学会分会(CDS)、国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)诊断标准对哈萨克族MS患病率进行对比分析.方法 采用整群随机抽样的方法,对新疆部分地区常住哈萨克族居民进行问卷调查、体格检查和血生化检测,共收集资料完整者2745例;分别应用NCEP-ATP Ⅲ、CDS、IDF标准诊断MS及组分,分析哈萨克族MS患病率及组分分布特点.结果 NCEP-ATP Ⅲ、CDS、IDF标准诊断MS粗患病率分别为18.5%、14.2%和26.6%;年龄标化后患病率依次是14.2%、10.9%和20.1%.NCEP-ATPⅢ和IDF标准男性MS患病率高于女性,CDS标准则相反,3种标准的MS患病率都随年龄增加而上升.3种标准诊断的MS组分中肥胖、血压升高和HDL-C异常检出率较高;≥1、≥2、≥3、≥4、5个MS组分检出率由高到低依次是IDF标准、ATP Ⅲ标准、CDS标准.结论 3种诊断标准的哈萨克族MS患病率和性别分布有差异,IDF标准患病率最高,IDF标准对早期发现哈萨克族心血管病风险优于其他两种标准.
      Objective To analyze the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in Kazakh population, using the NCEP-ATP Ⅲ, CDS, IDF MS standards.Methods Questionnaire-based survey,physical examination and blood testing were conducted according to cluster random samplings in Kazakh residents in Xinjiang. 2745 samples were collected and diagnosed by NCEP-ATP Ⅲ, CDS,IDF standards to analyze the prevalence, with the distribution of its main components of MS, among the Kazakhs population. Results The prevalence rates of MS diagnosed by NCEP-ATP Ⅲ, CDS,IDF standards were 18.5%, 14.2% and 26.6%, while they became 14.2%, 10.9% and 20.1% after standardized by age. The prevalence of MS diagnosed by NCEP-ATP Ⅲ and IDF standard in males were higher than in females, while CDS was in the opposite situtation. The prevalence of MS by these three standards increased with age. Among all the main components of MS diagnosed after these three standardization process, the prevalence of obesity, blood pressure rising and the abnormity of HDL-C were rather high. The prevalence of MS main components ≥1, ≥2, ≥3, ≥4, 5 ranked the highest compared to the lowest as to the IDF, ATP Ⅲ ' and CDS diagnostic. standards Conclusion The prevalence rates and gender distribution of MS diagnosed by different standards among Kazakhs were different. The prevalence of IDF standard was the highest, with the IDF standard better than the others in early identifying the risk factors of cardiovascular disease.
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