Association between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular events in middle-to-old-aged Chinese population
收稿日期:2010-04-18  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 肾功能  心血管事件  中老年人群
英文关键词: Kidney function  Cardiovascular events  Middle-to-old-aged population
王增武 中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部 北京 100037  
陈祚 中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部 北京 100037  
王芳 北京大学第一医院 北京 100037  
郑润平 首都钢铁公司职工医院  
朱曼璐 中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部 北京 100037  
王淑玉 北京市高血压研究所  
王益新 北京市高血压研究所  
陆菊明 解放军第三○一医院  
王海燕 北京大学第一医院 北京 100037  
刘力生 中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院卫生部心血管病防治研究中心防治网络部 北京 100037 llshypt@yahoo.com.cn 
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      目的 了解肾功能下降与心血管事件是否有独立的关联关系.方法 2004年在北京市首钢社区随机抽取40岁及以上人群2500人,实际调查2315人.收集清晨首次尿标本,测量尿白蛋白和肌酐;采静脉血标本,测量血肌酐;使用简化的MDRD公式估计肾小球滤过率(eGFR),同时调查心血管病危险因素.随后对上述调查人群随访4年,记录心血管事件.根据eGFR值[ml/(min·1.73m2)]将人群分为3组,<60、60~90、>90.使用Cox回归模型调整混杂因素,分析慢性肾脏病与心血管事件及总事件的关联.结果 2315人中,肾功能下降(eGFR<60)的患病率为3.3%.三组人群心血管事件发生率分别为43.9/1000人年、21.8/1000人年和11.5/1000人年,总事件发生率分别为53.7/1000人年、28.8/1000人年和14.6/1000人年.调整混杂因素后,与eGFR>90组相比,60≤eGFR<90组和eGFR<60组心血管事件发生的风险(95%CI)分别为1.29(0.85~1.96)和2.14(1.02~4.50);总事件发生的风险分别为1.25(0.86~1.81)和1.95(1.00~3.80).结论 肾功能下降与心血管事件及总事件独立相关.
      Objective This study aimed to determine the relationships between estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and cardiovascular events. Methods 2500 residents aged more than 40 years old were selected from Shougang community, Shijingshan district, in Beijing. 2315 of them took part in the survey. First morning urinary sample was collected for all the participants.Albumin and creatinine were measured and eGFR was calculated using simplified MDAD formula.Cardiovascular risk factors were also investigated. The participants were followed up for 4 years, and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events were collected. The subjects were divided into three groups according to eGFR[ml/(min·1.73 m2)]: <60, 60-90,>90.Cox regression model was used to analyze the relationships between eGFR, all events, and cardiovascular events after adjusting for confounders. Results The prevalence of eGFR <60 was 3.3%. The incidence rates of cardiovascular events were 43.9, 21.8 and 11.5/1000 person-years among three groups, and the incidence rates of all events (all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events) were 53.7, 28.8 and 14.6/1000 person-years,respectively. After adjusting for age, gender, smoking, body mass index, serum lipids, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, the hazard risk (HR) for cardiovascular events was 1.29 (95%CI:0.85-1.96) in eGFR<60 group and 2.14 (95% CI: 1.02-4.50) in 60≤eGFR<90 group, when compared with the eGFR>90 group; the HR for all events were 1.25 (95%CI: 0.86-1.81 ) and 1.95(95% CI: 1.00-3.80) , respectively. Conclusion In the population studied, eGFR<60 seemed an independent predictor for cardiovascular events and all-cause events.
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