Analysis of road traffic injuries from Chinese National Injury Surveillance System, 2006-2008
收稿日期:2010-04-30  出版日期:2014-09-10
中文关键词: 道路交通伤害  监测  医院
英文关键词: Road traffic injury  Surveillance  Hospital
邓晓 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心  
吴春眉 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心  
蒋炜 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心  
李思杰 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心  
段蕾蕾 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心 leileiduan71@yahoo.com.cn 
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      目的 了解中国道路交通伤害门(急)诊就诊病例的分布特点.方法 对2006-2008年因伤害首次在全国伤害监测系统哨点医院门(急)诊就诊的道路交通伤害病例进行描述性分析.结果 监测的3年中,道路交通伤害是门(急)诊就诊伤害病例的第二位伤害发生原因.其中男性(2006-2008年分别为64.63%、64.07%和64.38%)多于女性(分别为35.37%、35.93%和35.62%);病例构成居前三位的年龄组为30~44岁(分别为36.04%、34.82%和34.28%)、15~29岁(分别为30.74%、31.57%和30.13%)、45~64岁(分别为20.28%、20.70%和22.80%);道路交通伤害发生意图以非故意为主(分别为98.34%、99.07%和99.07%);伤害部位集中在头部(分别为35.21%、33.74%和35.77%)及下肢(分别为24.08%、24.54%和23.95%);伤害性质主要为挫(擦)伤(分别为56.47%、57.92%和58.89%)及骨折(分别为17.70%、15.84%和15.88%);伤害严重程度以轻度为主(分别为63.69%、67.24%和65.68%);伤害结局以病例在医院门(急)诊治疗后返家为主(分别为59.43%、63.76%和62.80%).结论 2006-2008年在门(急)诊就诊的道路交通伤害发生情况无明显变化,青壮年男性是道路交通伤害干预的重点人群.
      Objective To describe the distribution of road traffic injuries through hospital based National Injury Surveillance System (NISS). Methods Data of road traffic injuries was descriptively analyzed from Chinese NISS from 2006 to 2008. Results In 2006-2008, road traffic injury was the second leading cause from NISS among attendants in ERs or clinics of the hospitals,with males (64.63%, 64.07%, 64.38% ) more than females (35.37%, 35.93%, 35.62%). People aged 30-44 (36.04%, 34.82%, 34.28% ), 15-29 (30.74%, 31.57%, 30.13%), 45-64 (20.28%, 20.70%,22.80% ) years were seen more than other age groups. The majority of road traffic injuries were unintentional (98.34%, 99.07%, 99.07% ), and mostly injured in head (35.21%, 33.74%, 35.77% )and lower limbs (24.08%, 24.54%, 23.95%) which mainly as bruise (56.47%, 57.92%, 58.89%) and fractures (17.70%, 15.84%, 15.88% ). The severities of injuries were mainly minor ones (63.69%,67.24%, 65.68% ), and mostly went home right after treatments (59.43%, 63.76%, 62.80% ).Conclusion The distribution of road traffic injuries from NISS kept stable from 2006 to 2008. Young and middle aged men were the focus population for road traffic injuries intervention. Further improvement ofNISS, multi-sectional collaboration-based advocacies and education programs as well as the enforcement of road safety law seemed the good practices for road traffic injury prevention.
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