Survey ON the development regarding institution and professional contingenee of injury prevention and strategy in China
收稿日期:2010-08-11  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 伤害  机构设置  专业队伍建设  现况调查
英文关键词: Injury  Institutions  Professional team  Prevalence survey
严红虹 510080 广州, 广东省人民医院 广东省医学科学院医学研究中心广东省肺癌研究所 shengyong_wang@126.Com 
董晓梅 暨南大学医学院伤害预防与控制中心  
池桂波 暨南大学医学院伤害预防与控制中心  
王声湧 暨南大学医学院伤害预防与控制中心  
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      目的 了解中国伤害预防控制机构和专业队伍的建设现况。方法 采用自行设计的问卷对38个省(市、自治区)疾病预防控制中心(CDC)进行信访调查,应用描述性流行病学方法 对资料进行统计分析。结果 除上海市CDC和广西壮族自治区CDC设立了伤害防治科,其他省、市CDC均未设立伤害预防控制部门;受访单位中只有37.30%设置擘职的伤害预防控制人员;2005-2008年东、中、两部地区伤害防制工作经费投入在50万元以上的单位分别占到27.78%、28.58%和7.69%,西部地Ⅸ有76.92%的CDC在4年中的伤害丁作经费总投入不足10万元;大部分CDC的伤害防治J=作仪开展建立监测点和开展公众教育;工作范同主要是收集伤害信息和日常生活伤害调查,调杏对象重点是儿童、青少年和老年人群。东部和中部地区分别有44.44%和28.57%的CDC要求建立伤害专业机构和专职人员队伍,而两部地区有76.92%的CDC则要求开展伤害相关人才培训。结论 中国伤害预防控制机构和专业队伍建设滞后,应根据不同地区工作基础和进展情况,提出不同的伤害预防控制机构和专业队伍建设目标。
      Objective To explore the development on infrastructure and professional contingence related to injury prevention and contr01.in China.Methods 38 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)were investigated by using a self designed questionnaire and data was analyzed descriptively.Results At present.all the CDCs at provincial and city level had not set up a specific department related to inJury prevention and contr01.except for Shanghai and Guangxi CDCs. The proportions of full-time and part.time stafr in ail of the investigated CDCs were 37.30%and 62.70%respectively.From 2005 to 2008.the proportions of CDC which had made funds more than 500 000 Yuan available on injury prevention and con901 were:27.78%in the eastern areas.28.58%in central and 7.69%in the western areas of China.Thcrc were 76.92%of the CDCs in the western areas of China that the invested funding was Iess than l 00 000 Yuan in the past years.Most of the routine work that had been carried out in those CDCs were surveillance and public education programs including collection of data and special surveys related to injuries on children.adolescents and the elderly population.44.44%,and 28.57%of血e CDCs in the eastern and central parts of the country wished to establish a Department of iniury prevention and contr01.while 76.92%of the CDCs in the western part expressed their strong request for professional training on iniury.Conclusion China remained underdevciopcd in the development of institutionaI and profcssional team working on injuries which called for,setting up related programs to suit the local needs.In accordanee wi也the working condition,the progress that had been made and the objective demand on institutional and professional contingence of the problems in difl’erent areas’both short and medium terms on the issue, need to be put forward to develop both institutional and professional programs on injuries in the eastern,central。and western areas of China.
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