Analysis on the long-term trend of injury related deaths in Macheng of Hubei province, 1974-2008
收稿日期:2010-08-15  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 伤害  死亡  期望寿命  潜在寿命损失年
英文关键词: Injury  Death  Life expecmncy  Years ofpotential life lost
刘筱娴 430030 武汉, 华中科技大学同济医学院伤害控制研究中心 liuxx@mails.tjmu.edu.Cn 
李激 湖北省麻城市卫生局  
张德楷 湖北省麻城市卫生局  
陈辉 430030 武汉, 华中科技大学同济医学院伤害控制研究中心  
沈敏 430030 武汉, 华中科技大学同济医学院伤害控制研究中心  
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      目的 分析湖北省麻城巾.1974--2008年伤害死亡长期变化趋势、分布特点和疾病 负担。方法 利用麻城市自1974年起建立的四级报告网络系统,对历年伤害死亡资料进行审核 和整理,描述35年来伤害的死亡水平和主要死亡原岗,并计算伤害导致的去死岗期望寿命和潜在 寿命损失年,以及伤害死亡和寿命损失占总死亡的比例。结果 麻城巾‘35年伤害死亡率为62.64/ 10万至154.97/10万,其巾男性为69.16/10万~163.86/10万,女性为55.34/10万一157.35/10万,男 性高于女性。婴儿组的年平均伤害死亡牢最高,达770.13/10万。伤害死亡率的地形分布以丘陵 地区最高(37.03/10万),山区次之(33.66/10万),平原地区较低(31.43/i0万)。伤害死亡的前五位 死风为自杀、淹溺、意外窒息、交通事故、意外跌落,共占伤害总死亡的84.26%。其中以自杀为最高,占伤害总死亡48.14%。伤害是儿童和青年的主要死因,在15~29岁年龄段伤害死亡占全死因 比例最高,男性和女性分别为59.38%和62.26%。去伤害死亡期望寿命逐年提高,因伤害导致的潜 在寿命损失年逐年下降。结论 麻城市伤害死亡率近10年虽有明显下降趋势,但仍处于较高水 平;伤害主要死亡原闪变化不大,各年段、年龄、性别、地形分布均以自杀为主,近年来交通事故的 死亡率明显上升。
      Objective To study the long·term trend of injury related deaths,the distribution of causes of iniuries as well as disease burden in Macheng city.Hubei province.in l 974-2008. Methods Data was gathered from vital statistics and registration system of Macheng city which was established in 1 974.Data related to Cause Eliminated Life Expectancy(CELE).years of potential lire lost fYPLLl and proportion ofYPLL on total deaths were calculated.Results The injury death rates varied between 62.64/100 000 and 154.97/100 000 during that 35 years.In males and females。injury death rates varied between 69.1 6/100 000-163.86/100 000 and 55.34/100 000一157.35/100 000. respectively.Death rates on injury in males exceeded those of females.The average infant injury mortality was 770.1 3/1 00 000.stayed the highest in all of the age groups.In terms of geographic region.death rate showed the highest in the hilly area(37.03/1 00 000).followed by mountainous area (33.66/i 00 000)and the rate was lowest in the plain area(3 1.43/l 00 000).In terms of causes of deaths,suicide,drowning,SHfrocation,traffic accident and fall were the five top causes of injury, accounting for 84.26%of all the injury mortality.The mortality of suicide showed highest in the injury mortality accounting for 48.14%ofall the injury mortality.Injury was the main causes ofdeath among children and youths.The mortality of injury was the highest in people aged from l 5 to 29 years。with 59.38%in males and 62.26%in females.1njury eliminated life expectancy increased while the YPLL due to injury decreased,annually.Conclusion Although the trends of mortality rates on injuries were declining over the past 1 0 years.it remained high in figures.The main causes of injury shiftedaround,but suicide had always been the main cause over the years,in different age groups,sex or terrains.The death rate of traffic accident was increasing.Effective control strategies should be formulated based otl the caused of death related to injuries and among the high-risk populations.
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