Assessment of capacity for chronic noncommunicable diseases prevention and control of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Organizations in China
收稿日期:2010-03-25  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 慢性非传染性疾病  预防控制  能力  评估
英文关键词: Chronic noncommunicable diseases  Prevention and control  Capacity  Assessment
尹香君 102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性病社区处 sxmcde@163.Com 
施小明 102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性病社区处  
司向 协和医学院  
高欣 102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性病社区处  
翟屹 102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性病社区处  
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全文下载次数: 1605
      目的 了解全国疾病预防控制系统慢性病预防控制(防控)能力。方法 问卷调查全 国省、地(市)和县(区)级所有疾病预防控制中心(CDC)慢性非传染性疾病(慢病)防控的资源、能 力及开展的项目。结果 (1)资源:全国有7483人从事慢病防控,占CDC总人数的4.0%;有 23.6%的人在2008年投入慢病防控不足6个月。省、地和县级防控经费占同级CDC总经费的比例 依次为2.29%、1.70%和2.69%。(2)能力:省、地和县级CDC慢病科所设置比例依次为100.0%、 62.8%和43.7%;人员中本科以上学历占34.7%、高级职称占12.1%,其中61.7%从事慢病防控工作 不足5年;平均继续教育人次数省级为21.90,地级为4.60,县级为1.68;有8.7%的CDC派人外出进 修。省级CDC均开展了慢病监测,仅4.2%的CDC出版过慢病报告;在慢病防控工作中,主要与卫 生部门内部机构合作。(3)开展的项目:分别有43.5%和30.8%的县级CDC开展过监测和十预项 目。结论 中国疾控系统慢病防控资源匮乏,经费和人员与慢病疾病负担不相称;慢病防控能力 有待提高。
      Objective To evaluate the capacity for noncommunicable diseases(NCDs) prevention and controlin the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDCs)in China.Methods All CDCs in China.including provincial。city and county CDCs were surveyed by questionnaires designed by China CDC including resource provided。capacity and effoi ts for NCDs.Results (1) Resource:7483 staff members worked on NCDs prevention and control,only accounting for 4.0%of all the CDCs’personnel:23.6%of the staff members devoted their time to NCDs controlless than 6 months in 2008.Fundings for NCDs prevention and controI only accounted for 2.29%,1.70%and 2.69%of the total funds of provincial,city and county CDCs。respectively.(2)Capacity:The proportions of CDCs that had professional institutes of NCD at provincial.city and county level were 100.O%.62.8%and 43.7%respectively.CDCs mainly cooperated with health agencies regarding NCDs prevention and con仃ol programs.34.7%of the stafr members had educational background of college undergraduate or higher.I 2.1%had senior professional titles,6 1.7%of them worked for NCDs less than 5 years.The average person.times of continuing education in NCDs were 2 1.90。4.60 and 1.68 at the provinciaI.city and county CDCs respectively.8.7%of the CDCs sent their staff members for advanced studies on NCDs.All provincial CDCs camed out surveillance but only 4.2% of them published reports of NCDs in all the CDCs during the past three years.(3)Efforts:43.5%and 30.8%of the county CDCs carried out surveillance and intervention of NCDs respectively in 2008. Conclusion Resources for NCDs prevention and control were quite limited in CDCs.Fundings and stafr members for NCDs were not enough.compared to the heavy disease burden of NCDs.Capacity for NCDs prevention and control need to be improved.
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