A review on the research status and trends of Budd-Chiari syndrome
收稿日期:2010-03-24  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 布加综合征  流行病学  JAK2点突变
英文关键词: Budd-Chiari syndrome  Epidemiology  JAK2 point mutation
李胜利 221002 徐州医学院公共卫生学院 123zj@163.Com 
祖茂衡 徐州医学院附属医院介入科  
陆召军 221002 徐州医学院公共卫生学院  
摘要点击次数: 3893
全文下载次数: 1368
      布加综合征(Budd.Chiari syndrome,BCS)是由各种原因引起的较大肝静脉或肝段下腔静脉部分/完全梗阻性肝静脉——下腔静脉血液回流障碍,导致淤m性门静脉高压症和下腔静脉高压症两大综合征。
      Objective To identify the mortality-related factors in patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis.Methods One hundred and seven long-term hemodialysis patients having suffered from chronic glomerulonephritis and received hemodialysis treatment in the hemodialysis center of the Friendship Hospital during February 1990 to February 2002 were selected to take part in a retrospective study. Survival analysis was done using Life Tables study. Cox regression analysis was used to find factors related to risk. Patients were divided into two groups according to the clinical value of the factors which showed statistical significance in Cox regression analysis. Survive rates were compared between two groups on Gehan test.Results Among the 107 patients, 22 died (15.3%)and 85 survived (84.7%)during the follow-up period. Cumulative survival rates of 5 years and 10 years were 79.91% and 64.36% respectively. Prognostic factors would include age (P 0.001), blood urea nitrogen (BUN, P=0.004), serum creatinine (SCr, P=0.001), value of plasma calcium multiplied by plasma phosphate (P=0.019), and KT/V (P=0.001), which were all tested during the third dialysis month. The Hazard Ratios (HR) were 1.107 (95% Confidence Interval,95% CI : 1.049- 1.168), 0.951(95% CI : 0.918- 0.984), 0.727(95% CI : 0.599- 0.883), 1.025(95% CI : 1.004- 1.046), and 0.013(95% CI : 0.001- 0.161), respectively. The survival rates between two groups were significant different (age≥60 years group vs 60 years group P=0.000 6, BUN≥ 28.6 mmol/L vs 28.6 mmol/L group P=0.041 5, SCr≥884 μmol/L vs 884 μmol/L group P=0.014 6, value of plasma calcium multiplied by plasma phosphate ≥40 vs 40 group P=0.046 4, KT/V≥ 1.30 vs 1.30 group P=0.021 5).Conclusions The mortality related prognostic factors of maintained hemodialysis patients seemed to include age, BUN, SCr, value of plasma calcium multiplied by plasma phosphate, and KT/V, which were all tested during the third dialysis month. Among them, age and the value of plasma calcium multiplied by plasma phosphate were risk factors of death, while the others were protective factors.
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