Prevalence of microalbuminuria and its related factors among different genders in general population of Beijing
收稿日期:2010-06-08  出版日期:2014-09-10
中文关键词: 微置白蛋白尿  患病率  性别差异  相关因素
英文关键词: Microalbuminuria  Prevalence  Gender difference  Related factors
郑瑾 解放军总医院南楼临床部心血管二科, 北京 100853  
叶平 解放军总医院南楼临床部心血管二科, 北京 100853 yeping@sina.com 
王凡 解放军总医院南楼临床部心血管二科, 北京 100853  
肖文凯 解放军总医院南楼临床部心血管二科, 北京 100853  
吴红梅 解放军总医院南楼临床部心血管二科, 北京 100853  
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      目的 研究微量白蛋白尿(MAU)患病率、相关因素及其性别间差异, 为减少心血管病并发症和肾病进展的发生提供依据。方法 在北京市4个社区随机抽取2080名(男性810名, 女性1270名)研究对象, 平均年龄(50.87±13.10)岁;检测尿白蛋白/肌酐比值(ACR);对可能与MAU有关的因素分别进行单因素和多因素logistic回归分析。结果 2080名受试者中MAU患病率为17.50%, 其中女性为18.82%, 男性为15.43%, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。logistic回归分析显示:年龄(OR=1.02)、收缩压(0R=1.02)、血清肌酐(OR=1.08)是男性MAU的独立危险因素;在女性, 年龄(0R=1.04)、收缩压(0R=l.O2)、血清肌酐(0R=1.08)、体重指数(0R=1.07)、总胆同醇(OR=2.05)是MAU的危险因素, 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(OR=O.44)是MAU的保护因素。结论 该社区人群MAU患病率高于以往国内外报道, 其中女性MAU患病率高于男性(P<0.05), 不同性别间MAU的相关因素有差异。
      Objective Microalbuminuria (MAU) is generally defined as an early effective index of cardiovascular disease and renal disease. Our study aims to investigate the prevalence of MAU and its related factors among people living in Beijing, Methods In a cross-sectional study, 2080 subjects (810 men and 1270 women) are recruited, with age distribution as 50.87土 13.10 years (mean 土 standard deviation). Urine albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR) is used to screen for microalbuminuria. All the data is analyzed with multivariate logistic regression method to explore the related factors for MAU. Results The overall prevalence of MAU in general population of Beijing is 17.50%, with male as 15.43% and female as 18.82% (^<0.05). Results from the multivariate logistic regression analysis reveal that the independent risk factors of MAU in men are age(0/?= 1.02), blood pressure (0 尺=1.02), serum creatinine (0R=\M), while age (0/?= 1.04), systolic blood pressure (OR—1.02), serum creatinine (0/?= 1.08), body mass index (0/?= 1.07), total cholesterol (07?= 2.05) in women. The protective factor of MAU in women is HDL-C(0/?=0.44). Conclusion Our findings indicate that the prevalence of MAU in Beijing area is higher than those in other areas in China or abroad. The prevalence in females is higher than that in males (P<0.05). There is a gender difference in the related factors of MAU.
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