A prospective study on 6一year accumulative incidence rate of isehemic cardiovascular disease and related risk factors among the elderly male population under health care programme
收稿日期:2010-04-07  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 缺血性心血管病  危险性评估  前瞻性研究
英文关键词: Ischemic cardiovascular disease  Risk assessment  Prospective study
陈金宏 武警总医院医务都,北京 100039  
吴海云 解放军总医院老年医学研究所  
何昆仑 解放军总医院老年医学研究所  
何耀 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 yhe301@sina.com 
秦银河 解放军总医院老年医学研究所 cjh007@126.com 
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      Objective To investigate the 6-year accumulative incidence rate of ischemic cardiovascular disease(ICVD)and its related risk factors.Methods Baseline population was all from an elderlY populatioll with members all born before 1-1.1938 and under health care programm. Data was recorded in a database of a hospiml and baseline of subiects under research was aged>65 years.People that had had ICVD at baseline were excluded.Risk factors under research would include:age at the baseline studv,gender,body mass index,systolic blood pressure。serum cholesterol level.serum triglyceride level,serum high.density lipoprotein level,serum triglyceride level,serum apolipoprotein Al level.history of diabetes mellitus and cigarette smoking etc.Single factor analysis was carried out using person-years as time of study。then calculating the person·year incidence and the accumulative incidence rate at different levels related to baseline risk factors. Multivariate analysis was under Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Model.Results Baseline population included 227 l elderly men。with the 6-year cumulative prevalence rate of ICVD as 23.56%,and the person-year prevalence rate was 45.41‰.Single factor analysis showed that the ICVD events positively related to variablles which including systolic blood pressure,bodv mass index, serum cholesterollevel and serum triglyceride leveI。serum apolipoprotein Al level.status of diabetes mellitus and cigarette smoking.The ICVD events negatively related to variables as serum high.density lipoprotein levcl and serum creatinine level.Results of multivariate analysis showed that high systolic pressure。diabetes mellitus,serum ereatinine level,Body Mass Index were the main risk factors.The $eruln high-density lipoprotein level served as the main protective factor.Conclusion The aged malepopulation under health cfre programme was high in the ICVD prevalence rate,suggesting that programmes as controlling blood pressure,blood glucose。and increasing serum high—density lipoprotein levels were effective measures to decrease the ICVD events.
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