Study design and the preliminary results on the modes of smoking cessation in general hospitals
收稿日期:2010-08-30  出版日期:2014-09-10
中文关键词: 戒烟  干预模式  戒烟率  综合性医院
英文关键词: moking cessation  Intervention methods  Quit rate  General hospital
何耀 解放军总医院老年医学研究所, 北京, 100853 yhe301@x263.Net 
林大庆 香港大学公共卫生学院  
姜斌 解放军总医院南楼中医针灸科  
刘庆辉 解放军总医院南楼呼吸科  
左芳 解放军总医院南楼中医针灸科  
赛晓勇 解放军总医院老年医学研究所, 北京, 100853  
周长喜 解放军总医院南楼呼吸科  
邹琳 解放军总医院南楼呼吸科  
吴蕾 解放军总医院老年医学研究所, 北京, 100853  
郑家强 英国伯明翰大学  
陈肇始 香港大学护理学院  
摘要点击次数: 3133
全文下载次数: 1233
      To study the intervention programs on smoking cessation in a general hospital and to evaluate its effects of the programs. Four methods including: a) the intervention through specialists in the smoking cessation clinic, b) short-time intervention in the out-patient department,c) free medical intervention, d) group intervention, were adopted for different smokers, with health counseling, psychological intervention and drug treatment. Intervention effect was evaluated by standard methods. During the 20-month period of the project, we treated 690 cases and 402 completed 6-month follow-up. Preliminary results in 402 cases showed that the three methods of smoking cessation interventions could reduce the amount of cigarette smoking and increase the quitting rate. Motivation to quit smoking, intervention methods and intensity of intervention seemed cessation clinic (31.6%) and in the group intervention (30.9%) was higher than short-time intervention in free medical events (15.1%). The successful rate of smoking cessation depended on the motivation of quitters, and the attitude, methods and intervention skills of the physicians.Therefore, it is necessary to explore and develop smoking cessation service models suitable to national context and individual intervention methods in China.
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