陈浩,张艳辉,谭红专,鲍宇刚,陈梦施,林丹,陈年年.某城市不同活动场所男男性行为人群特征和规模估计的研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2011,32(7):664-668 |
某城市不同活动场所男男性行为人群特征和规模估计的研究 |
Characteristics and the estimated size of men who have sex with men in different venues of onecity |
收稿日期:2011-03-15 出版日期:2014-09-10 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 男男性行为人群 单样本人群规模估计法 规模估计 |
英文关键词: Men who have sex with men Estimating population size from a single samplemethod Estimation of size |
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中文摘要: |
目的了解中国某城市实体活动场所和虚拟活动场所男男性行为(MsM)人群的特征、安全性行为特点和人群规模。方法在MSM活动的实体和虚拟场所开展现场调查,运用单样本人群规模估计法(LMs法)进行人群规模估计。结果该市在实体场所中活动的MSM以24。43岁年龄组为主。一般拥有中等学历,在虚拟场所中活动的MSM以29岁以下年龄组为主,具有较高学历,有部分是在校学生。实体和虚拟场所中的MSM对艾滋病的知晓情况和安全性行为特点等的差异无统计学意义。城区实体和虚拟场所MSM规模分别占21.22%(16 383人,95%c,:ll 514~21 252)和78.78%(60 830人,95%c,:57 327~64 329)。考虑到两类场所人群部分重复,城区MSM规模应介于60 830—77 213人,约占15~64岁性活跃期男性人数的5.03%一6.38%。结论该市城区MSM规模较大,不同活动场所的MSM特征不尽一致,以在虚拟场所活动为主。应重视在互联网等虚拟场所实施有针对性的艾滋病防制策略。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To study the features,safe Sex behavior and the size of men who have sex with men(MSM)population in actuaI and virtual venues iu one city.Methods We carried out across.sectional study in actual and virtual venues.using the Estimated Size of Population from aSingle Sample(LMS method)to estimate the size of MSM population.Results Most MSM in actual venues were 24-43 year olds and had received high school education。whereas in virtual venues,the majority of this population were younger than 29 years old and had higher education,including some college students.The awareness of AIDS of the two grouDS from different venues showed no statistically significant difference,neither the safe sex behaviors.Proportions of the MSM population in actual and virtual venues were 21.22%(J6 383.95%C/:ll 514-21 252)and 78.78%(60 830。95%CI:57 327—64 329),respectively.After adjusting the overlapping part of the MSM from both venues.the total number was between 60 830 and 77213.constituting a proportion of 5.03%一6.38%in the sexually active male population(1 5—64 year olds)in this city.Conclusion The size of the MSM population was large but the characteristics were different in the actual or virtual venues.As most MSM preferred going tO the virtual venues.intervention program on AIDS-specific strategy in this area.in particular dealine wi血the Internet,should be strenthened. |
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