Surveillance on the health status regarding vector-borne disease among people living in the three gorges reservoir area (1997-2009)
收稿日期:2011-05-30  出版日期:2014-09-11
中文关键词: 传染病  生物媒介  死因  监测  三峡水库
英文关键词: Communicable diseases  Vectors of disease  Cause of death  Surveillance  Three gorges reservoir
基金项目:国务院三峡工程建设委员会水库司三峡生态与环境监测项目(SX [98] -05KHB/JS;SX [2004] -018;sX[ 2006] -003;SX [2007 ]-002; SX[2009]-020)
张静 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102206 zhangjing@chinacdc.cn 
杨维中 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102206 yangwz@chinacdc.cn 
汪诚信 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102206  
王豫林 重庆市疾病预防控制中心  
徐勇 湖北省宜昌市疾病预防控制中心  
毛德强 重庆市疾病预防控制中心  
潘会明 湖北省宜昌市疾病预防控制中心  
王子军 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102206  
冯连贵 重庆市疾病预防控制中心  
汪新丽 重庆市疾病预防控制中心  
杨小兵 湖北省宜昌市疾病预防控制中心  
常昭瑞 中国疾病预防控制中心, 北京 102206  
贺圆圆 湖北省宜昌市疾病预防控制中心  
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      目的 评价1997-2009年三峡库区人群健康状况以及蓄水对健康的影响。方法 在三峡库区选择9个县(区)的17个乡镇(街道)设立疾病和生物媒介监测点,1997-2009年连续系统收集人口出生死亡、传染病、生物媒介等监测数据。采用时间和空间分析以及蓄水前后比较,分析疾病流行状况及其影响因素,评价库区人群健康状况。结果 三峡库区监测点2003年蓄 水后7年室内平均鼠密度(2.22%)比蓄水前6年平均鼠密度(4.38%)下降49.32%;蓄水后室外平均 鼠密度(2.76%)比蓄水前平均鼠密度(4.43%)下降37.70%。蓄水后人房年均蚊密度[35.09只/ (间·人工小时)]较蓄水前[54.24只/(间·人工小时)]下降35.31%。蓄水后畜圈年均蚊密度 [125.75只/(间·人工小时)]比蓄水前[179.46只/(间·人工小时)]下降29.93%。2003年蓄水后,流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)、疟疾、钩端螺旋体(钩体)病和流行性出血热(出血热)发病率分别较蓄水前 下降22.88%、84.85%、95.03%和81.82%。在蓄水后,钩体病、疟疾和出血热各年发病率均处于较 低水平(<0.4/10万),乙脑历年发病率<2/10万,下降幅度略低于重庆市和宜昌市。各年粗死亡率低于重庆市和湖北省的平均水平,标化死亡率为3.77% ~ 5.12%,低于全国平均水平。平均婴儿死亡率为11.83‰,低于全国平均水平。结论 2003年三峡水库蓄水后未诱发疟疾、乙脑、钩体 病、出血热等生物媒介传播疾病的明显升高,尚未发现水库蓄水对人群死亡率造成影响,库区人群总体健康状况较好。
      To evaluate the impact on the health status of population in the area where the ‘Three Gorges Reservoir Water Storage Project' had been operated and to provide references for the development of related disease control strategies. Methods In the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, 17 towns/streets in nine counties were chosen as surveillance points. Data on surveillance program would include infectious diseases, birth, death, biological agents etc. Methods related to time and spatial analysis and the comparison on pre- and post- water storage were used to analyze and describe the long-term changing trend of meteorological index, distribution of biological agent and diseases, and human health status. Relationships between number of infectious diseases and media biological density and meteorological parameters were also analyzed. Results When the water storage program came into being in 2003, the indoor (2.22%) and outdoor (2.76%) densities of rats were significantly lower than pre-water storage period (indoor 4.38% vs. outdoor 4.43%) and the annual average density of mosquito (35.09 mosquitoes per room and per hour) was also lower than before (54.24 mosquitoes per room and per hour). The incidence rates of encephalitis B, malaria, leptospirosis, and hemorrhagic fever had reduces 22.88%, 84.85%, 95.03% and 81.82% than before. The incidence rates of malaria, leptospirosis, and hemorrhagic fever were all below 0.4/100 000 and the incidence of encephalitis B was below 2/100 000. The average infant mortality was 11.83‰. The annual infant mortalities, after adjusted by missing report numbers, were between 13.07‰ and 23.88‰ which were lower than the national annual average level. The thirteen year standard mortalities were 3.77‰-5.12‰,with the total rate lower than the national average level in the same years. Conclusion In 2003, the incidence rates of malaria, encephalitis B, leptospirosis, epidemic hemorrhagic fever kept going down in the surveillance sites in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, and the overall population's health status was well enough to show that there was no negative impact on the health status of population living in the area after the water storage project was inplemented.
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