A family associated outbreak of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in a hospital ward
收稿日期:2011-01-11  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 肺炎支原体  血清抗体  家庭  暴发
英文关键词: Mycoplasma pneumoniae  Serum antibodies  Family  Disease outbreaks
刘春灵 空军总医院感染内科, 北京 100142 liuchunling100@yahoo.com.cn 
田庚善 北京大学第一医院感染与肝病中心  
何耀 解放军总医院老年医学研究所  
周平 空军总医院感染内科, 北京 100142  
王纯巍 空军总医院感染内科, 北京 100142  
王战勇 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院实验研究中心  
孙绍权 空军总医院临床检验中心  
周艳 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院实验研究中心  
孙莹 空军总医院感染内科, 北京 100142  
孙妍 北京德易临床检验所  
张宏伟 空军总医院感染内科, 北京 100142  
李莉 空军总医院感染内科, 北京 100142  
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      目的调查一起肺炎支原体(MP)感染家庭暴发的流行病学和血清学特点。方法 了解治疗陪护期间家庭成员间的接触情况;所有成员检测血清MP抗体及胸部X线检查。结果 该家庭包括3名核心成员(男童和其父、母亲)及其外祖母和叔叔(均参与照顾男童及其父住院)共5人。23 d内先后4人发病,3人X线诊断肺炎且双份血清MP抗体滴度均呈4倍以上升高。男童的父亲 和叔叔分别在发病后3d和2d检测血清MP-IgG(+)。男童及其父均有重度咳嗽。外祖母暴露于男童和叔叔暴露于父亲分别只在两家医院的空调病房内。密切接触时间最长的是男童与其母(至检测时已连续密切接触37 d),但母亲无症状,血清MP-IgM(-)。结论 既往感染获得的MP-IgG不能完全保护再次感染MP;指征病例有肺炎咳嗽重、长时间密切接触、环境通风不良和家庭成员普遍过度疲劳,几种危险因素并存可能是导致该起家庭MP感染暴发的原因。
      Objective To describe the epidemiological and serological features on a family associated outbreak caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) infection occurred in Beijing in August 2007.Methods Mutual exposure of the family members was investigated and retrospective medical record was reviewed for the hospitalized patients.Serum antibodies to MP were measured and chest X-rays were taken for all the family members.Results This family consisted of 5 members,with fixed members as the boy (13 years old ),his father (43 years old) and mother (44 years old),grandmother (64 years old) and uncle (32 years old ) who was involved in taking care of the sick boy and his father.During 23 days of the event,four of all the five family members were ill.Three (boy,father and uncle) had radiographic pneumonia,whose paired sera all showed a≥fourfold increase in antibody titer,and two of them were confnrmed by chest X-ray on day 2 after onset of fever.The grandmother suffered from bronchitis,with positive(PA) serum antibody to MR Serum MP-IgG from the father and uncle was positive,3 days and 2 days after the onset of fever.The chances of contact between grandmother with the boy and uncle with the father were both only in the hospital wards.Only the mother remained asymptomatic,with her serum MP-IgM (-)and MP-IgG (+)for which the blood sample was collected 37 days after close contact with the boy.The longest time of exposure to the patients was between mother and the boy but only the mother did not increase her total workload or feeling for fatigue.
Results of MP-IgG from post-infection did not completely defend against therepeated MPinfection.Combined riskfactors asindex patients withsevere cough,prolonged close contact,poorly ventilation oftheenvironment,and family members withexcessive fatigue might work as the causes of this family MP outbreak.
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