Multiple correspondence analysis on multiple metabolic abnormalities and family history in adults
收稿日期:2011-07-09  出版日期:2014-09-09
中文关键词: 多代谢异常  家族史  多重对应分析  代谢综合征
英文关键词: Multiple metabolic abnormalities  Family history  Multiple correspondence analysis  Metabolic syndrome
刘莉 郑州大学基础医学院组织学与胚胎学教研室, 50001  
平智广 公共卫生学院卫生统计学教研室 pingzhg@zzu.edu.cn 
李琳琳 公共卫生学院卫生统计学教研室  
杨永利 公共卫生学院卫生统计学教研室  
李春阳 公共卫生学院毒理学教研室  
张梅喜 公共卫生学院流行病学教研室  
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      目的 探讨多种代谢异常症状的聚集情况及其与家族史的关系.方法 采用随机整群抽样方法,以河南省某县为研究现场对成年常住居民进行问卷调查、体格检查和生化检查,对高血压、高脂血症、糖尿病和冠心病等多种代谢性疾病的聚集情况及其与家族史的对应关系进行多重对应分析.结果 共调查3901人,其中男性1428人(36.6%)、女性2473人(63.4%),平均年龄(32.8±6.3)岁.父母亲代谢异常疾病的多重对应分析显示,第一维度和第二维度的Cronbach's α 分别为0.547、0.387,在两个维度的特征根分别为1.971和1.535.调查对象与父母亲代谢异常疾病的多重对应分析显示,第一维度和第二维度的Cronbach's a分别为0.598、0.457,在两个维度的特征根分别为2.263和1.743.调查对象及其父母亲各自的多种代谢异常均存在聚集现象;多种代谢异常在调查对象与其父母之间及父母双方之间无明显的聚集状态,但x2检验提示部分类别之间可能存在微弱关联(父母之间多种代谢异常有统计学意义的列联系数分布范围为0.04 ~ 0.11,父亲与调查对象之间为0.04~ 0.08,母亲与调查对象之间为0.04~0.11);与单纯性肥胖相比,中心性肥胖与其他代谢异常症状聚集出现的情况更明显.结论 调查对象及其父母亲均存在多种代谢症状伴随出现的现象,中心性肥胖与其他代谢异常症状聚集出现的情况更明显.家族史对后代是否患多代谢异常影响并不大.
      Objective To investigate the relationship between phenomenon of aggregation on multiple metabolic abnormalities and their family history.Methods A random cluster sampling was carried out to study the phenomenon of multiple metabolic abnormalities among the adult inhabitants in a county of Henan province.Questionnaire,physical examination and biochemical tests were admitted.Multiple correspondence analyses were used to explore the aggregation of multiple metabolic abnormalities among objects including hyperlipidemia,diabetes,coronary heart disease etc.Corresponding relationships between objects and their parents on multiple metabolic abnormalities were also analyzed.Results In total,3901 people were investigated including 1428 (36.6%) males and 2473 (63.4%) females.The mean age of them was 32.8 ± 6.3.Data showed that the Cronbach' s α were 0.547 and 0.387 while Eigen values were 1.971 and 1.535 in two dimensions,regarding the correspondence analysis on their parents' multiple metabolic abnormalities.Cronbach' s α levels were 0.598 and 0.457 together with Eigen values as 2.263 and 1.743 in two dimensions on the correspondence analysis of the objects' and their parents' multiple metabolic abnormalities.Results from Multiple correspondence analysis diagrams showed that there was an aggregation of varietymetabolic abnormalities in both objects and their parents but not between objects and their parents or between fathers and mothers,though x2 test showed a weak correlation between some of the categories.The ranges of contingency coefficients between metabolic abnormalities were 0.04 to 0.11,0.04 to 0.08 and 0.04 to 0.11 between parents,objects and fathers,objects and mothers,respectively.When compared with simple obesity,the central obesity aggregated appeared more obviously with other metabolic abnormalities.Conclusion Both objects and their parents showed an aggregation of variety metabolic abnormalities.Aggregation of central obesity showed more obvious on other metabolic abnormalities than the simple obesity.Family histories of metabolic abnormalities played a moderate role in the generations suffering from multiple metabolic abnormalities.?
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