Study on physique index set for China children and adolescents
收稿日期:2011-11-19  出版日期:2014-11-03
中文关键词: 腰围  腰围身高比  儿童青少年
英文关键词: Waist  Waist to height ratio  Childrenand adolescents
陈雪峰 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院, 杭州 310003  
梁黎 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院, 杭州 310003  
傅君芬 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院, 杭州 310003 fjf68@yahoo.com 
巩纯秀 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院  
熊丰 重庆医科大学附属儿童医院  
刘戈力 天津医科大学总医院儿科  
罗飞宏 复旦大学附属儿科医院  
陈少科 广西壮族自治区妇幼保健院  
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      Objective To provide data as age-gender dependent mean,standard deviation and percentile on height,weight,waist cirenmference(WC),hip circumference(HC), body mass index(BMI),waist hip ratio (WHR),waist to height ratio(WHtR)among 7—16 year-olds Chinesechildren and adolescents,towards setting up diagnostic criteria on metabolic syndrome for them.Methods A representative sample involving 22 197 children and adolescence aged 7 to 16 years were randomly surveyed and they were from 6 representative geographical areas,including Beijing,Tianjin, Hangzhou,Shahshai,Chongqing and Nanning.A total of 218 58 had availabledata,with male/female ratio as:114 60/103 98.Using the standard Methods,we measured height,weight,WC,HC,BMI,WHtR and other data in all age groups.Physique indexes among different geographic regions(North.Mid-westand East)were compared.Results(1)Both male and female showed all increasing trend of height,weight,waist circomference,hip circumference and BMI along with the increase of age.WHR of girlsd ecreased gradually from O.84 to 0.76 went from 7 to 16 years old while WHR of boys changed from O.87 to O.81 accordingly.(2)WHtR was rarely affected by age.It fluctuated between 0.42-0.43 in all girls and O.44_0.45 in boys less than 11 years.WHtR of boys older than 12 years showed a slightd ecline from O.45 to 0.42 of WHtlL(3)The average height,weight,BMI of children and adolescents from the northern regions(Bering,Tianjin)were significantlyhigher than that of the mid-western(Chongqing,Nanning)and the eastern regions(Shanghai Hangzhou)(PConclusion Reterence values and percentile curves for WC and WHtR of Chinese children and adolescents were provided.For the assessment of cemral obesity.WHtR had the advantages of relative stability and sinail degree of variation and rarely affected by age and gender,when compared with WC,and could be used as an simple index to reflect the central obesity of children and adolescents.
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