Assessment on the validity and reliability of Family Environment Scale Off Motor Development for Urban Pre-school Children
收稿日期:2011-10-18  出版日期:2014-11-03
中文关键词: 运动发育家庭环境量表  信度  效度  儿童
英文关键词: Family Environment Scale onMotor Development  Validity  Reliability  Children
花静 城市环境气象中心, 上海市 200135
吴擢春 复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病学教室
古桂雄 苏州大学儿科医学研究所 szggx000@163.com 
孟炜 复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病学教室
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      目的评价城区学龄前儿童运动发育家庭环境茸表(FESMDUPC)的信度和效度,为儿童运动协调能力家庭环境的研究提供有效和可靠测量工具。方法苏州市区15所幼儿园共1824名学龄前儿童纳入FESMDUPC的信度和效度研究,采用组内相关系数(ICC)、Cronbach q系数、项目水平内容效度指数。验证性冈素分别分析FESMDUPC的重测信度、内部一致性信度、内容效度、结构效度。以HOME量表修改版(Observation for Measurement of the Environment Revisited)为外在效标,采用Spearman相关分析评价FESMDUPC的效标相关效度。结果将前后两次FESMDUPC调整结果进行ICC评价,各条目ICC均超过或接近0。9。该量表总Cronbach a系数为O。875,分别去除各条目后Cronbacha系数为0。868~0。873。正式信效度调查数据分析显示:FESMDUPC中23个条目的I-CVI为o。79—1。00,平均I-CVI为0。92。初始模型拟合结果f/df=4。 810,拟合优度模型度指数(GFI)为O。949和调整拟合优度指数(AGFI)为0。937。 均>O。9。规范拟合指数(NFI)为0。889,比较拟合指数(CFI)为0。896,接近0。9。均方根残差RMSEA为0。046<0。05,提示该模型可以接受,各条日的因素载荷均>O。3,差异有统计学意义(均P<0。001)。但是由于户外运动空间、户内运动空间、玩具3个因子间的相关性较高,进行高阶验证性因素分析,模型拟合结果较为理想,各条目因素载衙也均>O。3。FESMDUPC和HOME量表总分的Spearman相关系数为0。476(P<0。001)。其中HOME量表仪学习用品和活动多样性2个因子与FESMDUPC的一阶因子玩具、养育方式、高阶}14子的家庭物质环境,以及FESMDUPC总分日常生活照顾相关程度相对较高,其Spearman相关系数均>O-3。结论FESMDUPC重测信度、内部一致性信度、结构效度、外在效标效度较好。均达到心理测量学的基本要求,可作为评价学龄前儿童运动发育家庭环境的量化工具。
      0bjective To assess the validityand reliahility of Family Environment Scale on Motor Development for Urban Preschool Chiidren(FESMDUPC)so as to provide valid and reliable tools for measuring the influencing factors from home environment on motor development of the children.Methods one thousand eight hundreds and twenty four preschool children from 15 kindergartens in Suzhou city were included in this study which related to reliabilitv and validity of FESMDUPC.Data 0n test-retest reliability,internal consistent reliability.content validity andconstruct validity were as sessedusing the Intra·class Correlation Coefficient(ICC).Cronbach to efficient,item—level contentvalidity index(1·CVI)and Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA).When the Observation for Measurement of the Environment Revisited was used as criteria,the eriteria-related validity of MABC wagassessed,using the Spearman correlation analysis.Results This study showed that the ICC of all items was above of close to 0.9.The total Cronbach α coeflqcient was 0.875 and the Cronbach a coefficient was 0.868—0.873 when each item WaS deleted.Formal validity and reliability study showed that I-CVI of the 23 items was 0.79—1.00.The average I—CVl was 0.92. Results from the CFA model showed that 12=1077. 5,df=224 and x2/df:4. 810.Fit of Goodnesson the other indices of the model were as follows:GFI(0.949).AGF(0.937).NFI (0.889),CFI(0.896).with each of them above or close to 0.9.The RMSEA was 0.046 which showed that the model's Fit of Goodness could be accepted.The factor loadings were all above 0.3 with statistical significance.However,according to this model,the strengths of relationship between outside Space,inside Space and Toy were high,SO the high一step CFA of FESMDUPC was further analyzed.The model's Fit of Goodness was good.The factor loadings were all above 0.3 with statistical significance.Results showed that the Spearman Coefficient of the total score of FESMDUPC and HOME scale was 0.476(each P<0.001).Among them only the learning staff and movement variety were comparatively and highly correlated with Toy.Parental Rearing Patterns.Spearman coefficients were a11 above 0.3(each PConclusion The above results showed that the reliability of test—retest,the internal consistent reliability the content validity and the construct validity of FESMDUPC were fair and had met the basic psychometric demands.FESMDUPC could be used as a quantitative tool to assess the motor development among children.
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