Analysis on the frequency of urinary iodine in a population—based intervention study
收稿日期:2011-11-12  出版日期:2014-11-03
中文关键词: 尿碘水平  尿碘频数  社区十预试验  队列人群
英文关键词: rinary iodine level  Urinary iodinefrequency  Community intervention  Cohort
宋银吟 医科大学公共卫生与管理学院流行病学教研室, 重庆 400016  
牟李红 医科大学公共卫生与管理学院流行病学教研室, 重庆 400016 mulihong@yahoo.com 
李革 医科大学公共卫生与管理学院流行病学教研室, 重庆 400016  
王豫林 重庆市疾病预防控制中心  
肖邦忠 重庆市疾病预防控制中心  
李心术 重庆市疾病预防控制中心  
雷音 重庆市盐务管理局  
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      Objective Through a two-year follow up program this study was to analyze the urinary iodine frequency of a cohort in the intervention trial,concerning different doses of saltiodization,SO as to explore the selection of appropriate concentration of salt iodization.Methods A multistage cluster sampling method was used to select three townships in two countries for communi Wintervention with different doses[(15±5)mg/kg,(25±5)mg/kg,(355)mg/kg] ofsaltiodization.Results After intervention,the median of urinary iodine was reduced among the population.The urinary iodine frequencies of (15±5)mg and(25±5)mg/kg among groups of children were mainly concentrated in 100—200μg/L and 200-300μg/L paragraphs in A county.While the300μg/L paragraph had an overall decline in B county,the100μg/Land 200μg/L paragraph ratio increased but the trend seemed to be slow.The 100--300μg/L paragraph of the four treatment groups took alarger proportion and kepts mooth in a more ideal state.However,the control group still maintained at above 250μg/L level.Conclusion The iodine supplementation should be gradually implemented in Chongqing.The doses of salt iodization should be reduced from the current(35±15)mg/kg to(25±5)mg/kgin the economically developed areas.At the same time,we need to continuously follow the changes of the condition.
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