聂红明,陈建杰,汪蓉,王成宝,董慧琳,陈逸云.中国汉族人群慢性丙型肝炎病毒基因型分布规律研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2012,33(5):501-504 |
中国汉族人群慢性丙型肝炎病毒基因型分布规律研究 |
Genotypes distributlon ofhepatitis C virus through multi-center,large sample studies among chronic hepatitis C pafients in Chinese Hart population |
收稿日期:2011-12-20 出版日期:2014-11-03 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 丙型肝炎慢性 基因型 流行病学 |
英文关键词: Chromehepatitis C Genotype Epidemiology |
基金项目:“十一五”国家科技重大专项(2008ZXl0005-009);国家自然科学基金(81001492);上海市科委青年科技启明星计划(11QAl406700);上海市卫生局新优青培养计划(XYQ2011066);上海高校创新团队建设项目(第一期) |
摘要点击次数: 3831 |
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中文摘要: |
目的了解中国汉族人群慢性丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)基因型分布规律。方法通过多中心、大样本流行病学调查。经具有国际认证资质的第三方检测机构,采用国际通用的测序方法分析病毒基因型。结果共采集全国不同地区18个研究中心764例(男性384例,女性380例)患者鹿标本,患者平均年龄(44。 9±14。 3)岁,平均病程(7。 7±7。 3)年。最终对740例患者的病毒基因分型进行结果分析。中国慢性丙型肝炎患者共有4种主要基因型和9种亚型,其中以基因1型为主(69。6%),尤其是lb型(68。38%)。在较少见的基因6型中,以6a亚型较多。以南、中、北地区划分,基因l型在南北地区的分布差异无统计学意义,基因2a型分布的比例由南向北逐渐增高;较少见的基因3b型、6型主要分布在南方省份。结论中国汉族人群慢性丙型肝炎患者共有4种主要基因型和9种亚型,而少见基因型的分布存在地区差异。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To understand the distribution of hepatitis C virus(HCV)genotypes in China.Methods Anational multi-center,large sample epidemiological survey was carried out and certified by an international third-party testing organization.Internationally accepted method for sequencing analysis of viral genotype was used.Results Patients were those suffered from the 4 major genotypes of chromc hepatitis C,including nine subtypes,which were dominated by genotype 1(69,6%),with type lb in particular(accounting for 68,38%).Among the rare gene一6,We saw more subtypes of 6a.In the south,central,and north aera,there was no significant differenceseen between the south and the north areas in the distribution of the genotype 1.However,the rate of gene type 2a increased gradually from south to north.In terms of less common type of gene 3b and gene-6,they were soon mainly in the southern provinces.Conclusion In China,Patients with chroni chepatitis C had 4 HCVgenotypes,with 9 subtypes.The rarely seen genotypes 3b and 6 wgre mainly distributed in the southern provinces. |
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