Mental disorder and suicide among youths in rural China: a case control study based on consecutive samples from Hunan, Liaoning and Shandong provinces
收稿日期:2011-12-03  出版日期:2014-09-09
中文关键词: 自杀  精神疾病  心理解剖  青年人  农村
英文关键词: Suicide  Mental illness  Psychological autopsy  Youth  Rural
基金项目:美国国立卫生研究院资助课题(NIH/NIMH: ROlMH068560)
张杰 山东大学公共卫生学院自杀预防研究中心, 济南 250012
李子尧 山东大学公共卫生学院自杀预防研究中心, 济南 250012
肖水源 中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院  
周亮 中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院  
贾存显 山东大学公共卫生学院自杀预防研究中心, 济南 250012  
潘国伟 辽宁省疾病预防控制中心  
摘要点击次数: 3078
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      目的 探讨精神疾病及其他因素对自杀的影响情况.方法 在湖南、辽宁、山东省随机抽取16个县进行自杀的序贯抽样.2005-2008年共收取并访谈392个自杀案例和416个相同年龄段与自杀案例临村的随机对照.采用心理解剖方法访谈自杀死亡者亲友, 同样方法和结构性工具访谈社区对照的2名信息人.利用SCID中文版作为精神科的诊断工具.结果 392例农村青年自杀者中, 仅有48.0%自杀前一个月曾患有精神疾病, 而416例社区对照组中精神疾病的现患率仅为3.8%.在众多的危险因素和保护因素中, 精神疾病仍是中国农村青年自杀最重要的危险因素.结论 精神疾病在中国是自杀的最重要相关因素;与西方不同, 其他社会和心理因素在中国相对重要, 也应引起充分重视.
      Objective To study the prevalence of mental disorders among the Chinese youths aged 15-34 years, in rural areas and to identify risk factors related to suicide.Methods A consecutive sampling strategy was used for suicidal cases in 16 randomly selected counties in Hunan, Liaoning, and Shandong provinces.Between 2005 and 2008, a total of 392 suicide cases were recruited with 416 community controls at the same age range, selected from the same areas one family member together with one close friend of each suicidal case were interviewed, using the psychological autopsy (PA) method.The same method with structured instruments was performed on the two informants for each control in the same community.SCID was used for the diagnosis of mental disease.Results 48.0% of the suicides were diagnosed as having at least one mental disorder episode, in comparison with only 3.8% among the controls.It was found that mental disorder was the most important risk factor for the Chinese young suicide cases in the rural areas.Conclusion As seen in the Western countries, mental disorder had also been the number one correlate on suicidal cases in China, with the difference as other social and psychological factors might have played relatively more important roles in China.
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