Epidemiologiical characteristics and temporal, spatial clustering analysis on hand-foot mouth disease in Jiangsu province, 2009-2011 UU
收稿日期:2012-06-04  出版日期:2014-09-03
中文关键词: 手足口病  流行特征  时空聚集性
英文关键词: Hand—foot-mouth disease  Epidemiological characteristics  Temporal-spatial clustering analysis
基金项目:“十二五”科教兴卫工程“突发公共卫生事件应急处置创新平台”(Zx201 109);江苏省预防医学科研项目(YZ201020)
刘文东 江苏省疾病预防挖制中心, 南京 210009  
吴莹 江苏省疾病预防挖制中心, 南京 210009  
梁祁 江苏省疾病预防挖制中心, 南京 210009  
胡建利 江苏省疾病预防挖制中心, 南京 210009  
戴启刚 江苏省疾病预防挖制中心, 南京 210009  
李媛 江苏省疾病预防挖制中心, 南京 210009  
艾静 江苏省疾病预防挖制中心, 南京 210009 nj_aijing@sohu.com 
汤奋扬 江苏省疾病预防挖制中心, 南京 210009  
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全文下载次数: 1674
      目的 分析2009-2011年江苏省手足口病流行特征。方法 从疾病监测信息报告管理系统中获取江苏省2009-2011年手足口病疫情资料,采用描述性流行病学以及时空重排扫描统计方法分析。结果 2009-2011年江苏省累计报告手足口病285 414例,年均发病率为122.66/10万,发病水平逐年增长;累计报告重症病例3686例,占报告病例总数的1.29%。病例主要分布在≤5岁年龄组,占病例总数的93.64%;总病例中散居儿童占64.08%,重症病例占78.65%。全省各地区发病均处于较高水平,年均发病率44.02/10万至202.90/10万;苏州、南京、无锡是最主要的高发地区,报告病例数约占全省病例总数的40%;大部分地区重症病例数均逐年增加,其中宿迁、盐城地区增长幅度最大,2011年较2010年分别增长了339.22%和328.33%。全年有2个发病高峰,最高峰出现在4-6月,次高峰出现在11月。在区县尺度上有时空聚集性,总病例探测到8个时空聚类区域,重症病例探测到7个时空聚类区域。3年来全省共报告实验室确诊病例12359例,其中普通病例10414例,重症1945例。普通病例中肠道病毒71型(EV71)、柯萨奇病毒A16型(CoxA16)分别占43.49%和37.07%;重症病例中EV71占80.82%,其他肠道病毒占13.21%,CoxA16仅占5.96%。结论 江苏省手足口病处于高度流行态势。≤5岁散居儿童是主要发病人群;苏南、苏北地区流行强度不同,且季节性变化规律存在差异;病原学构成以EV71、CoxA16为主,不同季节病原学构成存在差异。
      Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD) in Jiangsu province.Methods We downloaded the case-data of HFMD in Jiangsu province during 2009-2011 from the Chinese National Notifiable Infectious Disease Reporting System,and made a comprehensive analysis on the epidemiological features of it with descriptive epidemiological Methods and retrospective space-time permutation scan statistics.Results A total of 285 414 cases were reported in Jiangsu,from 2009 to 2011,with an annual incidence of 122.66 per 100 000.There were 3686 severe cases in the 3 years accumulatively,accounting for 1.29% of the total.Proportion of the cases being 5 years old or even younger was 93.64%.Scatteredly living children accounted for 64.08% of the total cases and 78.65% of the severe cases,respectively.The epidemics of HFMD were visible in each city of Jiangsu province,with a lowest annual incidence rate of 44.02 per 100 000 and a highest one up to 202.90 per 100 000.Regions as Suzhou,Nanjing,Wuxi had the highest incidence in the province,with cases in these three areas occupying almost 40% of all.The numbers of severe cases in Suqian and in Yancheng cities increased by 339.22% and 328.33% in 2011 compared to in 2010,respectively,and the rates of increase in these two cities were much higher than those in the other regions.Two peaks of incidence were observed every year,with the highest occurring between April and June and the second occurring in November.The spatial-temporal distribution of HFMD was not random in Jiangsu province,from 2009 to 2011.Clusters for general cases in August and 7 clusters for severe cases were detected,respectively.12 359 cases of HFMD were laboratory confirmed in the said 3 years,including 10 414 common cases and 1945 severe cases.EV71 and CoxA16 accounted for 43.49% and 37.07% of common cases,respectively.In terms of the severe cases,the ratios were 80.82% and 5.96%,respectively.Conclusion HFMD was highly endemic in Jiangsu province,and the situation of prevention and control for it is still grim.Scatteredly living children of 5 years old or younger were the major population at risk,and the epidemic in different regions and seasons was different.EV71 and CoxA16 were the major etiologic agents,but the etiologic constitute showed seasonal changes.
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