Achievements on tuberculosis control in Shandong province--a population-based survey in2010
收稿日期:2012-07-04  出版日期:2014-09-03
中文关键词: 结核病  患病  率流行病学调查
英文关键词: Tuberculosis  Prevalence  Epidemiological survey
李芳 山东省及合并防治中心, 济南 250013 lf7802@163 com 
赵琦 复旦大学公共卫生学院  
王南南 山东省卫生厅  
郑建礼 山东省及合并防治中心, 济南 250013  
宋春燕 山东省及合并防治中心, 济南 250013  
徐飚 复旦大学公共卫生学院  
刘志敏 山东省及合并防治中心, 济南 250013  
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      目的了解山东省结核病疫情现状及评价控制效果。方法按照全国第五次结核病流行病学抽样调查方案采取分层整群(每群1250~1750人)等比例随机抽样法,在山东省抽取35个整群抽样点,对群内15岁及以上居民进行问卷调查和x线检查,对可疑症状者和胸部x线检查发现异常阴影者,进行痰涂片检查和痰结核分枝杆菌培养,对培养阳性标本做菌种初步鉴定和药物敏感性试验。结果2010年共计检查54 279人,占应检人口的95.78%。共发现183例活动性肺结核,其中60.11%无任何症状。有2个抽样点(5.7l%)未发现活动性肺结核病例,有24个点(68.57%)未发现涂阳病例。经加权校正后山东省活动性肺结核、涂阳肺结核和菌阳肺结核患病率分别为270.87/10万、17.45/10万和29.57/10万,据此估算山东省现有活动性肺结核病例21.19万(17.01万~25.36万),涂阳肺结核病例1.36万(0.58万~2.15万)、菌阳肺结核病例2.3l万(1.32万~3.30万)。与2000年第四次结核病流行病学调查结果比较疫情有所下降,涂阳肺结核患病率和菌阳肺结核患病率分别下降81.63%和75.56%,年均下降15.59%和13.14%。城市人群比农村下降明显,女性比男性下降明显。发现病例中以农村、老年人、男性居多。结论结核病依然是山东省一个突出的公共卫生问题。重点应放在不排菌、有症状的活动性肺结核病例,尤其应关注农村地区、男性以及老年人群。
      Objective To study the prevalence and trend of tuberculosis for related policydevelopment in Shandong.Methods The population under the current study was randomly sampled,using both stratified clustering sampling and proportional population sampling methods,following thenational survey protoc01.A total of 35 clusters including about 1 500 subjects per cluster were established.representing a population of 9.3 1 million.Questionnaire interview and chest X-ray exam were applied to allinhabitants above 15 years of age.Sputum microscopy and culture were given to a11 suspected cases with cough longer than 2 weeks or having abnormal X.ray results.Results In total.54 279 subjects were interviewed and examined.accounting for 95.78%of eligible population.0f them.1 83 active pulmonary tuberculosis cases were identified,with 60.11%asymptomatic.Two of the 35(5 71%)clusters had no active tuberculosis cases found,and 24(68.57%)did not show smear positive results.The standardized prevalence rates of active,smear positive and bacteriologic positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases were 270.87/105.17.45/10’and 29.57/10’,with the estimated case numbers as 211 900(170 100-253 600).13 600(5800-21 500)and 23 100(13 200-33 000) respectively.Compared to the survey in 2000.the rates on smear positive and bacteriologic positive tuberculosis had decreased significantly,at a rate of 81.63%,and 75.56%respectively.The rates in urban areas and in women decreased quickly than those in rural areas and in men.People living in the rurfll areas.being elderly or males。had significantly higher prevalence rates of tuberculosis.Conclusion Remarkable reduction of tuberculosis prevalence had been achieved despite the fact thattuberculosis remained a major public health problem in Shandong province.Symptomatic patients should be under more serious concern in order to improve the detection
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