王建跃,王玉超,楼江红.舟山渔场主要海产品重金属污染现况分析与评价[J].中华流行病学杂志,2012,33(10):1001-1004 |
舟山渔场主要海产品重金属污染现况分析与评价 |
Analysis on heavy metal pollution in major seafoods from Zhoushan Fishery.China |
收稿日期:2012-06-05 出版日期:2014-09-03 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 食品安全 铅 镉 甲基汞 海产品 |
英文关键词: Food safety Lead Cadmium Methylmercury Seafood |
基金项目:浙江省医药卫生科学研究基金计划(20098160) |
摘要点击次数: 3587 |
全文下载次数: 1568 |
中文摘要: |
目的析和评价舟山渔场海产品铅、镉、甲基汞含量的现状及其发展趋势和方法2007--2009年随机捕取舟山市4个县(区)辖内的养殖场一定数量的海产品作为分析对象,主要包括海鱼类及海水软体类、甲壳类、海藻类。所有海产品均将其ir食用部分磨碎匀浆,通过GB/T5009.12-2003石墨炉原子吸收光谱法检测铅、镉含量,用气相色谱法(酸提取巯基棉法)检测甲基汞含量。监测数据应用SPSS统计软件进行分析。结果(1)舟山渔场主要海产品3年平均超标率,铅为3.90%(11/282),镉为11.35%(32/282),甲基汞为2.84%(8/282);(2)重金属含鼍依次为海藻类(0.4513mg/kg)、海水软体类(0.1155 mg/kg)、海水甲壳类(o.0486 mg/kg)、海鱼类(0.0419mg/kg);(3)不同种类海产品中重金属含量单岗素方差分析:铅F=35.683,P<0。001;镉F=25.301,P<0.001;甲基汞F=25.990,P<0.001;(4)海产品重金属食用安全性分析,铅x2=10.167,P<0.05;镉x2=62.940,P<0.001;甲基汞Z2=20,960,P<0.001;(5)不同年份海产品重金属残留量分析(Spearman相关检验),铅P=0.000,镉P=0.974,甲基汞P=0.024;(6)不同年份海产品重金属食用安全性分析,铅z2=6.440,P<0.05;镉x2=34.455,P<0.001;甲基汞z2=5.226,P>0.05。结论舟山渔场海产品重金属污染以海藻类最为严重,海龟类、海水甲壳类污染较轻。其中铅。甲基汞主要污染海藻类,镉主要污染海藻类,其次为海水软体类海产品;海藻类中铅、镉、甲基汞的超标率均最高;以污染指数评价,铅、甲基汞的污染尚在较低水平,镉在海藻类海产品中有轻度污染。近3年舟山渔场海产品巾铅污染有加重趋势,但镉、甲基汞污染水平基本稳定、 |
英文摘要: |
0bjective Through reviewing data off surveys,tested materials especially on leadin Zhoushan fisheries.with ground lead.cadmium and methyl-mercury were analyzed and evaluated.Methods According to the distribution of Zhoushan fisheries,we randomly selected a certainnumber of Zhoushan seafood as research objects from four counties or districts.Different kinds of seafood would include sea fish,seawater crustaceans,seawater soft-bodied animals and sea algae.The inedible parts of all the seafood were removed,and then the samples of the edible parts were grinded into homogenate.We measured the contents of lead and cadmium.using graphite fumaceatomic absorption spectrometry method.The content of methylmercury was measured,using the gas chromatography(acid extraction method of mercaptoacetic cotton).Data from 2007 to 2009 was analyzed under SPSS software.Resuits (1)The average standardized rates were:lead as 3.90%(11/282),cadmium as 11.35%(32/282)and methylmercury as 2.84%(8/282).(2)Results from the comprehensive evaluation on the contents of metals showed the following rankings:seaweed (0.45 l 3 mg/kg),marine molluscs(0.1 1 55 mg/kg),marine crustaceans(0.0486 mg/kg),sea-fish(O.04 1 9 mg/kg).(3)Results from the single-factor variance analysis showed that the accumulation of 1ead.cadmium and methylmercury in different types of seafood were:lead F=35.683(P<0.001);cadmium F=25.301(P<0.001):methylmercury F=25.990(P<0.0叭).(4)Data on the safetyanalysis related to the different types of seafood on lead,cadmium,methylmercury food,the Chisquare tests showed as:1ead Y2=1 O.167,P<0.05;cadmium X2=62.940,P<0.00l;methylmercuryY二=20.960.P<0 00 1.(5)Seafood in d ifierent years on lead,cadmium,methylmercury accumulationcomparison,the Spearman correlation test results showed:lead P=0.000.cadmium P=0.974,methylmercury P=0.024.(6)The contents of seafood lead.cadmium and methylmercury in differentyears that with statistically significant differences were as follows:lead T2=6.440,P<0,05;cadmiumY:-34.455,P0.05.Conclusion The situation ofheavy metal pollution in different kinds of Zhoushan fisheries was different.Algae appeared the worst while sea fish.sea water crustaeeans pollution were light.with 1ead and methylmercury mainly influencing sea algae and cadmium mainly in the sea algae,followed by seawater SOftware class.The rates over standards of different kinds of seafood were difierent from each other,while the rates over standards of 1ead。cadmium and methylnaercury in sea algae were the highest.Evaluated by pollution index.1ead.methylmercury pollution was still lOW.but cadmium in the sea with mild pollution in algae seafood.In the recent three years,heavy metallead pollution in seafood were worsened,while the cadmium,methylmercury pollution levels remained basically stable. |
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