Correlation between Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and chronic obstructive pulmonarydiseas
收稿日期:2012-06-20  出版日期:2014-09-03
中文关键词: 慢性阻塞性肺疾病  肺炎衣原体抗体
英文关键词: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  Chlamydia pneumoniae antibody
唐良法 江苏省江阴市人民医院呼吸内科 214400 tangliangfa20@163.com 
王丹凤 江苏省江阴市人民医院呼吸内科 214400  
曹励强 江苏省江阴市人民医院呼吸内科 214400  
吴晓东 江苏省江阴市人民医院呼吸内科 214400  
吕剑 江苏省江阴市人民医院呼吸内科 214400  
郁芳芳 江苏省江阴市人民医院呼吸内科 214400  
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      目的探讨肺炎衣原体感染与慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的相关性。方法2010年8月至2012年5月选择江阴市人民医院呼吸内科住院或门诊就诊的82例COPD急性加重期(AE-COPD)患者和稳定期COPD患者46例,对照组为38名健康志愿者。住院患者于入院第2天、急诊患者于就诊当日采静脉血2ml,并于人院15 d时采取第2份静脉血,分离血清冷冻保存采用微量免疫荧光测定肺炎衣原体抗体(IgG、IgM、IgA)。结果一组人群IgG阳性率的差异无统计学意义(P>O.05);AE-COPD组IgG的几何平均滴度(GMT)明显高于对照组(P<0.01);i组人群IgA阳性率以AE-COPD组最高,但与稳定期COPD组比较的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),该两组与对照组比较差异均有统计学意(P<0.01);AE-COPD组与稳定期COPD组IgA的GMT比较差异有统计学意义(P<0,05),该两组与对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05,P0,05)。结论肺炎衣原体感染可能与COPD的发展密切相关。
      Objective To investigate the correlation between Chlamydia pneumonia(Cpn)infection and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD).Methods 82 patients with acuteexacerbation COPD(AE-COPD)or stabilized COPD patients at outpatient visits,in the People’sHospital of Jiangyin city from Aug.2叭0 to May 20 l 2,together with 46 cases having stationaryphase COPD and 3 8 healthy volunteers as control group.were involved in this study.Patients werebled 2 ml,on the next day of hosDitalization while patients at emergency room were bled 2 m1immediately.but bled again on the 1 5”day,Serum was separated through cryopreservation and theCpn antibodies(IgG.IgM and IgA antibodies)were detected.under micro-immunofluorescence.ResultsIn terms of IgG in the three groups,the positive rates did not show significant difierences(P>0.05)but the GMT ofthe IgG in the AE-COPD group was significantly higher(P<0.01)thanthat in the control group.19A positive rate among the three groups:AE-COPD appeared the highest.There was no significant difierence between the AE-COPD group and stationary phase COPD group(P>0.05),however.there were significant difierences between the AE-COPD group,the stationaryphase COPD group and the control group(P0.05).but with significant difference between the AE-COPD group and the contr01 group(P>0.01).There was significant difierence between stationary phase COPD group and the control group(P>O.05).When comparing both the rates of acute infection and chronic infection on the AE-COPDgroups with the control group,there appeared significant difieFences(P0,05)while the chronicinfection rate appear to have had significant difierence(P<0.01).Conclusion Cpn infectionseemed to be closely related to the development of COPD.
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