Relationship between clinical characteristics of lung cancer patients regarding their occupational exposure
收稿日期:2012-09-12  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 肺肿瘤  职业暴露  临床特征
英文关键词: Lung neoplasm  Occupational exposure  Clinical characteristic
刘英宇 063000 唐山市工人医院呼吸科 lyy2072@sohu.com 
王红阳 河北联合大学附属医院呼吸科  
张蕾 063000 唐山市工人医院呼吸科  
摘要点击次数: 3141
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      目的分析职业暴露人群肺癌发生及其特征。方法对唐山市2110名有从事石棉、煤焦油、烟尘、重金属、橡胶等相关职业且年龄≥20岁的居民进行问卷调查(包括一般情况、工作年限、吸烟史和吸烟程度),另外收集378例医院就诊的肺癌患者,其中有职业暴露史149例,将其一般情况、肺外病变临床表现、胸部影像学、病理类型、伴随疾病和肿瘤转移情况等与其他职业患者比较。结果在2110名有职业暴露的研究对象中,肺癌患者共621例(29.43% )。男性患病率高于女性,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05 )。调查显示,年龄、吸烟年限、吸烟程度以及从事职业暴露的工作年限均为肺癌患病的重要因素(P<0.01)。两组患者在肺外病变临床表现的发生率和表现形式上的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05 );胸部影像学表现为阻塞性肺气肿,职业暴露组( 36.91 %)高于其他职业组(18.78% ),差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05 );病理类型为鳞癌的概率,职业暴露组(36.24%)高于其他职业组(28.38% ),但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05 );后期肿瘤胸膜转移,职业暴露组(14.09%)也高于其他职业组(7.42% ) (P<0.05 )。结论职业暴露人群中吸烟程度重、年长者和职业暴露年限高者肺癌的发生率高,临床影像学表现多为阻塞性肺气肿,病理类型以鳞癌和后期肿瘤胸膜转移为多见。
      patients and their occupational exposure. Methods 2110 workers(≥20 years) who had been engaged in occupation that were exposed to risk factors of lung cancer, were asked to fill in questionnaires which included social demographic characteristics, length of service, smoking history and habits etc. 378 cases with lung cancer admitted in the Tangshan Worker' s Hospital were selected and their clinical data including general information, symptoms or signs other than lungs, CT findings,histological type of the tumor, metastasis of tumors etc. were compared between the occupational exposure group and the control group. Results The rate of lung cancer was 29.43% (621/2110) among the workers with occupational exposure, and in men it was higher than in women (P>0.05).There were significant differences seen in the rates of lung cancer with different age, smoking history/habits and years of employment among workers having had the histories of occupational exposure (P< 0.01).With CT findings, the rate of obstructive emphysema in the occupational exposure group ( 36.91 %)was higher than in the control group(18.78%),(P<0.01).Pathologically, squamous cell (36.24%)appeared to be higher than it did in the control group (28.38%).The rate of pleural metastasis in the occupational exposure group was 14.09%,while it was 7.4Objective To study the relationship between clinical characteristics of lung cancer 2% (P<0.05) in the control group. Conclusion People, having had occupational exposure, showed an association between the rate of lung cancer and factors as: excessive smoking, advanced age and long histories of occupational exposure. Squamous cell carcinoma with obstructive emphysema and pleural metastasis appeared to be dominantly seen.
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