Geographical distribution and host selection of Leptotrombidium rubellum in some parts of Yunnan province
收稿日期:2012-08-29  出版日期:2014-08-07
中文关键词: 微红纤恙螨  地理分布  宿主选择
英文关键词: Leptotrombidium rubellum  Geographical distribution  Host selection
耿明璐 671000 大理学院病原与媒介生物研究所云南省鼠疫防控技术重点实验室分室  
郭宪国 671000 大理学院病原与媒介生物研究所云南省鼠疫防控技术重点实验室分室 xgguo2002@yahoo.com.cn 
郭宾 671000 大理学院病原与媒介生物研究所云南省鼠疫防控技术重点实验室分室  
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      Objective To investigate the geographical distribution and host selection of Leptotrombidium rubellum among different small mammal hosts in some areas of Yunnan province,China.Methods Field survey was carried out in 23 counties of Yunnan province between 200 1 and 20 1 1.Small mammal hosts were captured with mouse cages and traps with baits.Chigger mites on the surface of two auricles were scraped off by a bistoury.and then preserved in 70%ethan01.Every specimen of the chigger mites on the slides was finally identified into species under a microscope.Some conventional statistical methods were adopted to calculate a11 the collected chigger mite species and the constituent ratios of L rubellum in different areas and on different hosts,with prevalence(P).mean intensity(MI)and mean abundance(MA)on different hosts calculated.Linear regression was used to analyze the relationship among P,MI,and MA.Patch index(m*/m)was used to measure the spatial patterns of L.rubellum among different individuals of related small mammal hosts.Results A total of 1 08 480 chigger mites were collected from the bo“surface of all the captured small mammal hosts.A11 the collected chigger mites were identified as 3 subfamilies.24 genera and 234 species.Of the 234 species of chigger mites。654 individuals of L rubeUum were collected.only in 4 counties.The collected individuals of L.rubellum accounted for 0.603%of the total mites(108 480 individuals).96.637%of L.rubellum came from flatland areas and habitats while only 3.363%of the L.rubellum were from the mountainous regions.The orderings of the hosts appeared as Rodentia and Insectivora harbored 96.296%and 2.469%respectively.of the collected while Lagomorpha and other orders there was no L rubellum found.Of 67 species(in 34 genera and 12 families of 5 orders),Rattus tanezumi(in genus Rattus and family Muridae of Rodentia) harbored 96.788%of the collected L rubellum with relatively low prevalence(P=3.776%)or mean intensity(MI=8.792 mites/per host),followed by Bandicota indica.Data from the patch index showed that L rubellum had an aggregated distribution paRem among different individuals of their hosts.Conclusion L rubellumexisted irl Yunnan province with relatively rare numbers of the individuals.In Yunnan province.L.rubellum was mainly found in the flatland regions and habitats with relatively 10W altitude.L rubellum could parasitize several different species of hosts with 10W host specificity.but it prefered to choose Rattus tanezumi and some other house-dwelling small mammals as its main hosts.
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