Association between the interaction polymorphisms of interleukin一10 and smoking on patients with bladder cancer risk from a case.control study
收稿日期:2012-08-03  出版日期:2014-08-07
中文关键词: 膀胱癌  白介素10  多态性  吸烟
英文关键词: Bladder neoplasia  Interleukin 10  Polymorphism  Smoking
陈占国 325000 温州医学院附属第一医院实验诊断中心  
周武 325000 温州医学院附属第一医院实验诊断中心  
戴美洁 325000 温州医学院附属第一医院实验诊断中心  
武志刚 泌尿外科  
金嵘 流行病学教研室 jinrongjrjr@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2863
全文下载次数: 1160
      Objective To investigate the relationship between both polymorphisms of interleukin-10(IL-10),smoking and the susceptibility to bladder cancer.Methods A case-control study was conducted to study the promoter polymorphisms of IL-1 0 gene by allele specific PCR amplification(AS-PCR)and to explore the possible genetic and environmental factors on bladder cancer,based on data from a hospital which included 400 patients with bladder cancer and another 400 healthy controls.Results The genoWpes of IL-1 0 gene might be associated with the susceptibility to bladder cancer.Homozygous mutant of IL-10 gene at the point of 1082.819 and 592 could enhance the risk of bladder cancer(OR value is 2.058,1.979,1.979,respectively).No statistically significant correlation was found between the divergence of IL-l 0 genotype and the different clinical stages and pathological grade ofbladder cancer(P>O.05).Interactions were noticed between polymorphisms in IL-10 gene and their correlation with smoking on bladder cancer.The positive interaction of 1 082 site homozygous variant(AA).81 9 site homozygous variant(TT),592 site homozygous variant(AA) and smoking were revealed in the occurrence rates of bladder cancer(OR=2.264,y=10.213;OR=2.438,>y=6.750;OR=2.438,y=6.750).Conclusion 0ur research findings showed that the significant interactions between IL-10 gene with homozygous mutant and smoking might increase the risk ofbladder cancer.
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