ecomposition of life expectancy among permanent residents of Beijing,2000—2010
收稿日期:2012-09-01  出版日期:2014-09-26
中文关键词: 期望寿命差异分析  死亡率
英文关键词: Decomposition of life expectancy  Mortality
苏健婷 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心信息统计中心  
高燕琳 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心信息统计中心 bjcdcsy@126.tom 
韦再华 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心信息统计中心  
王晶 100013 北京市疾病预防控制中心信息统计中心  
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      目的 分析2000-2010年北京市户籍居民期望寿命变化规律以及主要疾病死亡率变化对期望寿命增量的影响.方法 应用简略寿命表、期望寿命差异的年龄和死因分解法对北京市户籍居民2000-2010年死因监测数据进行分析,计算各主要疾病死亡率变化对期望寿命增量的贡献值和百分比.结果 10年间北京市户籍居民期望寿命增加了3.35岁.≥80岁组和65~岁组居民死亡率下降对期望寿命的增加贡献较大,贡献率分别为44.27%(1.48岁)和26.76%(0.90岁).脑血管病和心脏病是对期望寿命增加贡献最大的两类疾病,贡献率分别为41.21%(1.38岁)和21.39%(0.72岁),而恶性肿瘤是阻碍期望寿命增加的最主要疾病,其贡献率为-26.00%(-0.87岁).结论 2000-2010年北京市户籍居民期望寿命增长主要归因于老年人以及心脑血管病死亡率的下降,而恶性肿瘤死亡率的上升则阻碍其增加.
      Objective To explore the suicide intention and its influential factors among primary and junior high school students in rural areas of Anhui province,in order to provide evidence for early intervention related to mental health problems.Methods All students from 3 junior high and 5 primary schools in Changfeng county of Anhui were recruited as the study subjects using the cluster sampling method.Data were collected by using Children' s Depression Inventory,the Family APGAR Index,the Trait Coping Style Questionnaire,the Children' s Self-Esteem Scale,Social Anxiety Scale for Children,and the Quality of Life Scale.Chi-square test and Logistic regression were used to analyze the suicidal ideation and its influential factors respectively.Results 8.64% (252/2917) of the studied children had suicidal ideation.Out of them,9.80% (166/1694) and 7.03% (86/1223) were left-behind or non-left-behind children.There was statistically significant difference on suicide ideation between the left-behind children and non-left-behind children (P=0.015).Data from the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that social anxiety and negative coping style were the risk factors for suicidal ideation (P <0.05) while better family function and quality of life were the protective factors of suicidal ideation (P<0.05).Conclusion Suicide ideation was relatively prevalent among rural children in Anhui province.Family,school and society should carry out different kinds of preventive measures to prevent suicide related behaviors in children from this area.
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