Investigation on the risk factors for reported rising of measles incidence during November, 2011 to February, 2012.in some areas of Hubei province
收稿日期:2013-04-19  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 麻疹  疫苗  危险因素  医院感染
英文关键词: Measles  Vaccination  Risk factors  Nosocomial transmission
陈邦华 430015 武汉市疾病预防控制中心
官旭华 湖北省疾病预防控制中心  
詹发先 湖北省疾病预防控制中心  
邢学森 湖北省疾病预防控制中心  
赵明江 湖北省疾病预防控制中心  
王雷 湖北省疾病预防控制中心  
张丽杰 中国疾病预防控制中心中国现场流行病学培训项目 cfetpzlj@126.tom 
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      目的探讨2011年11月湖北省部分地区麻疹发病率突然升高的原因。方法选取2011年11月至2012年2月“湖北省麻疹监测信息报告管理系统”中报告麻疹发病率突然升高的w市和H市所有麻疹病例, 通过查阅预防接种证了解病例麻疹疫苗接种史, 并估算适龄儿童疫苗接种率。运用病例交叉研究, 电话调查监护人, 了解病例在麻疹发病前7~21d(潜伏期内)和发病前37~51 d内就诊情况。结果调查两市共报告麻疹病例140例, 其中<8月龄和8~17月龄婴幼儿发病率较高(分别为69/10万和72/10万), 其他年龄组发病率为0-5.8/10万。8~17月龄婴幼儿麻疹疫苗估算接种率<75%, 18月龄至3岁组接种率<90%。58%的病例在发病前7~21 d内有就医史, 而发病前37~51 d内去医疗机构的病例占14%(RR=5.4, 95%CI:2.1~14.O)。结论在麻疹疫苗接种率不达标的情况下, 儿童的医院暴露可增加麻疹发病风险
      ObjectiveTo identify the risk factors for reported sudden rise of measles incidence in November.20 11.in some areas of Hubei province.MethodsWe analyzed all measles patients reported in the measles surveillance system from November 2011 to February 2012 in two prefectures with highest attack rates and their vaccination history by reviewing vaccination records.We interviewed patients'parents by telephone to obtain the history of visiting health care within 7 to 21 days before onset.Wj also used case.crossover study to estimate the relative risk(RR)of hospital acquired infection and to compare the exposure to health care between 7-21 days before onset to37-51 days before onset among measles patients.ResultsTotally 140 patients were reported in the two prefectures.Reported measles incidence rates among the population aged<8 m(69/100000)and 8 m to 17 m(72/100000)were higher than other age groups(rang from 0 to 5.8 per 100000).Among the population aged 8 m to 17 m.estimated vaccination coverage was lower than 75%.and it was lower than 90%among those aged 18 m to 3 yrs.During 7-21 days before onset, 58%(29/50)of the patients had an exposure to health care settings, compared to 14%(7/50)of patients during 37 to 51 days before onset(MH RR=5.4.95%confidence interval=2.1-14.0).ConclusionUnder the condition of measles vaccination coverage 10wer than 95%.iatrogenic infection was a risk factor for measles in Hubei.
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