Field epidemiological study on news reports that related to public health emergencies
收稿日期:2013-07-22  出版日期:2014-10-16
中文关键词: 突发公共卫生事件  媒体报道  现场流行病学
英文关键词: blic health emergency  Media communication  Field epidemiology
基金项目:深圳市现场流行病学培训项目 (20120423)
张顺祥 518055 深圳市疾病预防控制中心 shangsx@szcdc.net 
李雪梅 盐田区疾病预防控制中心  
罗念慈 坪山新区疾病预防控制中心  
梅树江 518055 深圳市疾病预防控制中心  
蒋丽娟 518055 深圳市疾病预防控制中心  
摘要点击次数: 3373
全文下载次数: 1990
      目的 分析《南方都市报》突发公共卫生事件相关报道的特征,为公共卫生工作者与媒体沟通提供依据。方法 采取传播学案例分析等定性分析方法,参照卫生部突发公共卫生事件相关信息报告管理规范的规定,由2名专业人员分别搜索和同一性比对2008-2012年刊发的《南方都市报》,确定和分类所有突发公共卫生事件相关报道,并建立EPiData数据库;采用描述流行病学方法,以篇次数作为分析指标,比较不同年份各类事件的数量变化。各类相关报道的特征包括报道时间、消息来源、事件发生地点、新闻文体和篇幅、是否配发社论等,运用SPSS 18.0软件分析相关特征。结果 2008--2012年《南方都市报》报道相关突发公共卫生事件共998篇次。其中以传染病疫情(35.3%)和食品安全(34.1%)最多,疫苗或药物安全(8.9%)、环境污染事件(8.0%)次之,职业病和职业中毒、生化恐怖及其他公众健康事件较少。2008年和2009年报道篇次数较多,与三聚氰胺污染事件和甲型HINl流感大流行相关;而2010-2012年各年份报道篇次数相近。事件发生地除广东省(34.3%)fib,还包括国内其他地区(50.9%)和港澳台地区(9.5%),但国外(5.2%)信息较少。大篇幅报道占17.6%,配发社论等形式的深度报道占11.5%;与传染病疫情和食品安全事件报道多来源于官方发布不同,职业病和职业中毒、疫苗或药物安全、环境污染事件的报道主要来源于记者主动采访,并多见以大篇幅形式报道。近5年来《南方都市报》持续关注的题材为手足口病、流感、奶粉安全、艾滋病和铅污染。结论 《南方都市报》对突发公共卫生事件相关报道包括了卫生部规定的所有10大类相关事件;现场流行病学调查应汲取传播学相关理论和方法,在突发公共卫生事件应急的整个过程中均应该主动发布信息,并与大众媒体采取良性互动。
      0bjective A11 news reports(NR)tIlat were related to public health emerl!ency(PHE)were collected from the Southern Metropolis Daily(SMD)to explore the characteristics ofepidemiology in the fields.Methods Based on the theory of communication that including both caseand text analysis.qualitative analysis on all the NR regarding PHE published in SMD from the yearsof 2008 to 2012,was carried out and input to database using the EpiData.Numbers of articles asindicators were compared to show the yearly change of different types of events.Various features ofthe NR including coverage,source of information,location of the incident,style and size of news,wi_[hor without editorials etcwerestatistically analyzed by SPSS version 1 8.0.Results Among all the998 reports related to PHE,higher proportion was found in the events of Infectious diseases(35.3%)and food safety(34.1%)respectively.Events On vaccines and drugs used for disease prevention andcontrol(8.9%)environmental pollution caused incidents(8.0%)appeared to be less frequent.Eventsrelated to occupational disease,poisoning。bioterrorism and biochemical events were rare.Looking atthe monthly distribution of reports,we noticed that the peaks occurred in 2008 and in 2009,whichwere caused by the Melamine-contamination events and the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.Between 2010 and2012,figures ofmonthly reports were smooth,including some critical events from the interests ofthemedia.Most events took place in Guangdong province(34.3%)and other provinces(50.9%).withsome were from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan regions(9.5%).However,intemational events(5.2%)were less seen.Extensive coverage accounted for 17.6%ofall of reports.and 11.5%allottedthe editorials or other forms of in-depth reports.Most of the source of reports orl infectious diseasesand food safety were from the Orcial release.however.The main SOBI'CeS of occupational diseases andpoisoning,vaccines and drug incidentsenvironmental pollution related incidents were reported byactive joumalists through interview.Reports on hand,foot and mouthdiseaseinfluenza,milk safety,AIDS and lcad pollution showed continued concern in the past five years by SMD.Conclusion NRon public healthemergencies bv SM had encompassed all 10 categories.related events formulated bythe Ministrv of Health.Sustained and in.depth coverage were more commonly seen.Field—epidemiologists should learn interdisciplinary sciences on the theory and methodology ofcommunication.They also need to interaet with media people during the whole processes of publichealth emergency preparedness and responses.
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