Correlation between polymorphisms in the coagulation factorⅦgene hypervariable region 4site and the risk of coronary heart disease in population with different ethnic backgrounds:aMeta—analysis
收稿日期:2013-06-24  出版日期:2014-10-16
中文关键词: 冠心病  基因多态性  凝血因子Ⅶ基因高变区4  Meta分析
英文关键词: Coronary artery disease  Polymorphisms  Blood coagulation factorsⅦgenehypervariable region 4  Meta-analysis
汪利利 730000 兰州大学第一医院心内科  
马彬 循证医学中心  
钱盾 730000 兰州大学第一医院心内科  
庞军 730000 兰州大学第一医院心内科  
姚亚丽 730000 兰州大学第一医院心内科 yaoyaliss@yahoo.cn 
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      目的 系统评价不同种族(尤其亚洲人群)血浆凝血因子VII(FVII)基因高变区4(HvR4)多态性与冠心病的相关性。方法 计算机检索中国生物医学文献数据库(cBM)、维普中文科技期刊全文数据库(riP)、中国期刊全文数据库(cNⅪ)、万方数据库、PubMed、Embase、Coehrane Library等,检索时间从建库至2013年4月30日,收集所有凝血因子Ⅶ基因HVR4位点多态性与冠心病相关的病例对照研究。根据纳入排除标准选择符合的文献,评价纳人研究的质量并提取资料,采用RevMan 5.1软件与Stata 11.0软件进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入14篇文献15项研究,包括冠心病3167例,对照3168例。FⅦ基因HVR4位点基因多态性与冠心病的相关性Meta分析结果显示,H7等位基因与H6+H5等位基因对比(OR=O.86,95%CI:0.77~O.96,P=0.005)、基因型H7H7与H6H6+H7H6对比(OR=O.77,95%CI:0.67-0.89,P=0.0005),发现携带H7等位基因与H7H7基因型人群发生冠心病的风险低,差异有统计学意义;H6等位基因与H7+H5等位基因对比(OR=1.17,95%CI:1.09~1.26,P<0.0001),携带H6等位基因人群发生冠心病的风险增加,差异有统计学意义;而携带H5等位基因与H7+H6等位基因人群发生冠心病风险的差异无统计学意义(OR=1,20,95%CI:0.76~1.90,P=O.43)。结论 Meta分析结果显示,不同种族人群中FⅦ基因HVR4位点H7等位基因与H7H7基因型很可能为冠心病的保护性因素,亚洲人群较欧洲人群相比,H7等位基因及H7H7基因型与冠心病低风险相关性更强。H6等位基因可能为冠心病的危险因素,而H5等位基因与冠心病易感性关联不大。
      0bjcctive To aSSeSS the correlation between polymorphisms in the coagulationfactor V0(FⅧ)gene hypervariable region 4(m4)site and risk related to coronary heart disease(CHD)in different ethnic populations,especially the Asian populations.Methods Publications up toApril 2013,from CBM,CNⅪ,Wanfang Database,VIP,PubMed,Cochrane Library and Embase weresearched to collect data from case-control studies related to FⅦgene HVR4 site and CHD inpopulations from different ethnicities.Quality of studies was evaluated,available data extracted andboth RevMan 5.1 and Stata l 1.0 soRwares were used for Meta-analysis.Results Fifteen case.controlstudies were ineluded,involving 3 167 cases with CHD group and 3168 cases in the contr01 group.Results on this Meta-analysis showed that:a)polymorphism of the F VII gene HVR4 site H7/H6+H5and CHD,b)H7H7/H6H6+H7H6 and CHD were both slightly correlated between people witlldifferent ethnic backgrounds.However。the H6 allele versus H7+H5 allele and CHD showed differentresults-a high correlation seen in different ethnic groups,H5 allele versus H6+H7 allele and CHDdidnot appear significantdifference(OR=1,20,95%CI 0.76-1.90,P=O,43).Conclusion BothFⅦgene HVR4 polymorphisms H7 allele and the H7H7 genotype might have served as protective factorsfor CHD in different ethnic groups,H6 allele might serve as a risk factor for CHD.but H5 allele waslikely not to be associated with CHD in different ethnic groups.
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