陈强,李洋,苏雪丽,郝明强,卢红艳,贺雄.北京市2009--201 1年部分新报告HIV病例中新发感染的流行病学分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2014,35(1):53-56
北京市2009--201 1年部分新报告HIV病例中新发感染的流行病学分析
Epidemiological analysis on recent infected HⅣ一1 patients among newly reported HIVeases inBeijing,from 2009 to 2011
收稿日期:2013-09-01  出版日期:2014-09-02
中文关键词: HIV-1新发感染  新报告HIV  BED捕获酶联免疫法
英文关键词: Recent HIV一1 infection  Newly reported HIV  BED capture enzyme immunoassay
陈强  bjchenqiang@126 
卢红艳  hongyan_lu@sina.Com 
摘要点击次数: 4185
全文下载次数: 1490
      0bjective To undemtand the epidemiologic characteristics on newly reportedHIV cases and those recently infected HIV二1 cases in the past few years in Beijing SO as to find out their correlates.Methods AU the qualified newly reported HIV serum samples from both the first quarters of2009,2010 and the second quarter of 2011 in Beijing,were tested using the BED HIV-l incidence capture enzyme immunoassay(BED.CEIA)to identify those recent HIV-1 infection(BED positive)samples and related socio.demographic characteristics.The proportions of BED positives were determined and the correlates analyzed by SPSS software.Results The Annual qualified newly reported HIV serum samples of each year from Beijing were 274,236 and 356,with BED positive rate among them as 35.0%,3 1.8%and 33.7%,respectively.The majority of newly reported HIV cases of each yearweremales(89.1%.88.6%,91.9%).range ofage as 20—39 years(77.4%,75.8%,82.0%),Han nationality(77.7%,88.6%,85.7%),and most of them were not permanent residents of Beijing (74.1%.80.5%,201l data missed).The proportions ofpatients through sexual transmission showed upward trend(67.5%,76.2%.86.8%).Especially in the‘man having sex with man’(MSM)group,it showed a significantly increase(44.9%,45.3%,62.6%).The proportions of injection drug users (15.3%,8.1%,9.0%)declined to some extent during this period.Data from statistics indicated that the proportions of BED positives among newly reported HIV cases of each year were significantly correlated to factors as patients’sex,transmission route and source of samples,but not significantly correlated to patents’age or marital status.Male cases accounted for 96.9%and MSM accounted for 73.5%ofall the BED—positives during 2009—2011.Conclusion MSM accounted for both large portion of newly reported H1V cases and recent HIV一1 infections which suggested an increasing仃end in 2009—2011.It seemed that the characteristic and changing trends of HIV epidemic in Beijing was oriented by MSM population in the last years.
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