买欢,高燕,潘孝本,韩进超,丛旭,魏来.中国7个地区诺如病毒G II.4/Sydney 2012变异株分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2014,35(2):157-162
中国7个地区诺如病毒G II.4/Sydney 2012变异株分析
Study on norovirus G II .4/Sydney 2012 variant in China
收稿日期:2013-08-19  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 诺如病毒  GⅡ.4基因型  变异株  衣壳蛋白基因
英文关键词: Norovirus  G II .4 genotype  Variant  Capsid gene
买欢 北京大学人民医院感染科, 100044, 北京  
高燕 北京大学人民医院感染科, 100044, 北京 Email:gaoyan6384@ 163.com 
潘孝本 肝病研究所  
韩进超 肝病研究所  
丛旭 肝病研究所  
魏来 北京大学人民医院感染科, 100044, 北京  
摘要点击次数: 4642
全文下载次数: 1783
      目的 分析2012--2013年冬季中国地区诺如病毒新流行株GII.4/Sydney 2012的衣壳蛋白区核苷酸与氨基酸变异特点。方法 对已获得的22份2012--2013年冬季北京地区GⅡ.4/Sydney2012株进行全衣壳蛋白区基因扩增。从GenBank检索中国其他地区的GⅡ.4/Sydney 2012株衣壳蛋白区核苷酸序列。对获得的GII.4/Sydney 2012株的衣壳蛋白区核苷酸及氨基酸序列与往年GⅡ.4流行株进行系谱分析。结果 获得中国7个地区(北京、上海、江苏、湖州、荆州、香港和台湾)的GⅡ.4/Sydney 2012株资料共38份(至少包含完整VPl核苷酸序列)。GH.4/Sydney 2012株之间VPl核苷酸差异为0.1%~3.3%,氨基酸差异为0~3.1%。系谱分析发现GⅡ.4/Sydney2012株与Apeldoorn 2008和NewOrleans 2009起自共同的分支。中国和悉尼GH.4/Sydney 2012代表株的A、D、E抗原表位氨基酸序列组合有两种:TSRN-GTT-SNT和TSRN-STT-SNT。结论 G II.4/Sydney 2012株已在中国多个地区出现,各地区病毒株同源性较高。G H.4/Sydney 2012株的抗原表位氨基酸组合发生明显改变。
      Objective To study the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of norovirus G II .4/Sydney 2012 variants, in China. MethodsTwenty-two stool specimens, confirmed as G II .4/Sydney 2012- positive were collected from Beijing in the winter of 2012-2013. RT PCR was performed to target the complete capsid gene. G II .4/Sydney 2012 strains from other regions in China were searched and obtained from the GenBank. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of G II .4/Sydney 2012 strains were analyzed, using the CLUSTAL X ( Version 1.83 ) and followed by phylogenetic analysis using Mega version 5.1. Results The complete major capsid nucleotide sequences of thirty-eight G II .4/ Sydney 2012 strains from seven regions in China were obtained. The VP1 nucleotide and amino acid sequences diversity were 0.1%-3.3% and 0-3.1%,respectively. Result from phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the G II .4/Sydney 2012 variant shared a common ancestor with both the dominant norovirus G Ii .4 variants Apeldoorn 2008 and the New Orleans 2009. G II .4lSydney 2012 variants appeared to have had two A/D/E site combinations at the amino acid level, TSRN-GTT-SNT and TSRN-STT SNT. Conclusion G II .4/Sydney 2012 variant had been circulating in many regions in China. There seemed a high nucleotide and amino acid identity among G II .4/Sydney 2012 strains collected from China. G II .4/Sydney 2012 variants showed different A1DlE site combination from other pandemic G II .4 variants.
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