Prenatal and perinatal risk factors for developmental coordination disorder in children
收稿日期:2013-09-04  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 发育性运动协调障碍  孕产期和新生儿期  危险因素
英文关键词: Developmental coordination disorder  Prenatal and perinatal periods  Risk factors
花静 同济人学附属第一妇婴保健院, 上海 200032 Emaihwmeng@shmu.edu.cn;lptongxun@163.com 
孟炜 复旦大学公共卫生学院  
吴擢春 复旦大学公共卫生学院  
张郦君 苏州大学儿科医学研究所  
古桂雄 苏州大学儿科医学研究所  
朱丽萍 同济人学附属第一妇婴保健院, 上海 200032  
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      目的探讨发育性运动协调障碍(DCD)的孕产期和围产期危险因素,为其病因学研究以及早期预防提供依据。方法在苏州市区随机整群抽取1 5个幼儿园160个班级共4 001名儿童.采用儿童运动成套评估工具(M-ABC)对DCD筛杏和确诊,采用多水平logistic回归模型和结构方程模型分析DCD危险因素。结果多水平logistic同归模型分析显示,在控制班级群内聚集性以及儿童性别、年龄、Kaup指数情况下,急性胎儿宫内窘迫史、早产史、新生儿期病理性黄疸史纳入模型,差异有统计学意义(OR值分别为7.030、3.374、1.993,P值均结论孕期和围产期危险因素对儿童DCD存在影响。
      0bjective To explore the prenatal and perinatal risk factors for developmentalcoordination disorder(DCD)in children SO as to provide a basis for etiological studies and early diagnosis on DCD.Methods Stratified clustered sampling was used to select l 60 classes fromrandomly selected 1 5 public nursery schools which were distributed throughout the five main districtsin Suzhou city.A total of 4 001 children were included in the study.Multilevel logistic regression andstructural equation model(SEM)were used to analyze the risk factors of DCD.Results Resultsfrom the multilevel 109istic regression model showed that when factors as:class internal clustering.children’S gender.age and Kaup value etc.,were under control,factors as acute fetal distress,premature and newborn pathological jaundice would be included in the model(OR values were all their Ps<0.001).and showingthese variables were related to DCD.Results of SEM showed that the related coemcient between‘MinimaI Brain Dysfunction’and‘Motorcoordination skill’was-0.1 8 with statistical significance(尸<0.05).It also indicated that theminimal brain dysfunction would negatively impact on the children’S motor skill.Conclusion There were risk factors of DCD noticed during the prenatal and peri.natal periods.Practitioners working atthe maternitV and child health care areas should ireprove the skills inassessing and monitoring the prenatal and peri.natal risk factors related to DCD,and to better carry out early screening,diagnosis. treatment and prevention ofDCD.
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