叶莺,钟文玲,黄少芬,李晓庆.福建省1990--201 0年居民出生期望寿命差异分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2014,35(3):280-284
福建省1990--201 0年居民出生期望寿命差异分析
A comparison study on the life expectancy among residents in Fujian province,1990-2010
收稿日期:2013-09-02  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 期望寿命  期望寿命分解法  死亡率  死因
英文关键词: Life expectancy  Decomposition oflife expectancy  Mortality  Cause ofdeath
, 福州 350001
, 福州 350001
, 福州 350001
, 福州 350001
摘要点击次数: 3576
全文下载次数: 1842
      Objective To analyze the change of life expectancy(LE)among residents of Fujian province over the past two decade and to evaluate the impact of age and causes of death on the differences related to LE.Methods Mortality data from Causes of Death Surveillance System ofMinistry of Health in Fujian province during 1990-2010 were used to calculate the life expectancy.and Arriaga decomposition method was applied to quantitatively evaluate its changes,based on the age-specific and cause.specific mortality.ResulIs The LE in urban and rural residents of Fuiian province had an increase of5.82 and 11.67 years during the past two decade,respectively,which were higher in urban residents than in rural residents.Although the increment of LE was higher in rural populations than in urban population.the difference of LE between urban and rural was seen narrowed.The contribution rate of children on LE was reducing and the contribution rate of children below 1 4 years old tO LE in rural resident declined from 78.29%to 3 1.23%.Middle age and elderly 、populations had become the major ones that causing the change of LE.The impact of cancer,、 respiratory diseases and cerebrovascular diseases on LE in urban residents Was reducing.while theinfluence of infectious disease,nervous system disease and cardiac disease was increasing.causing theLE of urban resident increased 1.54,O.67 and 0.49 years,respectively.The impact of respiratorydiseases,digestive system diseases,as well as injury and poisoning on LE in the rural residents was reducing,while the effect ofcancer,cerebrovascular and cardiac disease increased,causing the LE inthe r1.u'a1 resident increased 1.23 years.Difrerent causes of death had different impact on the LE ineach age group.Conclusion To reduce the mortality rate in the middle-agedand elderly populationand to conffol the incidence of non-communicable diseases could help to ireprove the LE in the residents ofFujian province.
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