Incidence and survival of coloreatal carcinoma among permanent residents in Yangpu district of Shanghai,from 2002 to 2012
收稿日期:2013-08-13  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 结直肠癌  发病率  死亡率  社区
英文关键词: Cotorectal carcinoma  Incidenee  Mortality  Community
韩雪 杨浦区疾病预防控制中心, 上海市 200090 Emaih gcao@SmlEu.edu.cn 
黄辰曦 杨浦区疾病预防控制中心, 上海市 200090  
赵佳 杨浦区疾病预防控制中心, 上海市 200090  
丁一波 第二军医大学流行病学教研室  
张宏伟 第二军医大学流行病学教研室  
曹广文 第二军医大学流行病学教研室  
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      目的了解2002--2012年上海市杨浦区结直肠癌发病和生存情况。方法系统整理上海市肿瘤登记和管理系统中的杨浦区户籍人群结直肠癌患者资料,应用年均变化百分比(APC)模型分析发病趋势、Kaplan.Meier模型结合Log.rank检验进行生存分析。采用2000年全国人口普查的标准人口年龄构成进行标化。结果2002--2012年上海市杨浦区结直肠癌总新发患者5 881例,粗发病率为49.36/10)Y,标化发病率为31.21/10万。结肠癌和直肠癌的粗发病率分剐为31.09/10万和18.27/10万;标化发病率为14.49/10万和8.83/10万。不同性别结肠癌发病率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),男性直肠癌发病率高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。50岁以后结直肠癌发病率迅速增加。结直肠癌粗发病率逐年增长(APC=3.48),但标化发病率未见明显增长(APC=0.39)。因结直肠癌死亡3 735例。年均粗死亡率为31.35/10万,标化死亡率为13.72/10万。60岁之后死亡率明显上升。男性直肠癌死亡率高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P结论年龄是上海市杨浦区结直肠癌发病率和死亡率升I奇的主要因素,其死亡率显著低于发病率,手术治疗可能是影响患者生存期的一个重要因素。
      0bjective To clarify the incidence and survival of colorectai carcinoma(CRC)patients among permanent resider幅in Yangpu district of Shanghai.仃om 2002 to 2012.MethodsData ofCRC patients in permanent residents ofYangpu district were collected from the database oftheregistration and management system in Shanghai city.TemporaI trend in the incidence of CRC wasanalyzed by using Annual Percent Change(APC)model.Kaplan-Meier analysis with Log-ranktesting wag employed to estimate the sRrvival.incidence and mortality rates were standardized On agecomposition of standard population from 2000nationwidecensus.Results A totaI of 5 88 l CRCcases were diagnosed from 2002 10 2012 with crude incidence as 50.60/105 and standardized one as3lr21/105.The crude incidence rates of colon cancer and rectal CanCer were 31 09/105 and 18.27/1respectively and the standardized rates were 14.49/105 and 8.83/105.respectively.The incidence rates of colon cancer were not significantly different between different gendeE However.the incidence of rectal cancer in males was significantly higher than in females(PConclusion Age seemed to have contributed to anincreased morbidity and mortality of CRC in Yangpu district ofShanghai.The mortality of CRC appeared higher than the incidence.Surgical treatment couldsignificantly prolong the survival ofCRC patients.
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