Study on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among diabetic population
收稿日期:2013-09-28  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 谢综合征  糖尿病  患病率
英文关键词: Metabolic syndrome  Diabeles  Prevalence
李慧英  drwusl@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 3074
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      目的调查糖尿病人群的MS患病率。方法以2006年7月至2007年10月参加体检的开滦集团职工中的9275例糖尿病人群(FPG>一7,0mmol/L或<7.0mmollL及已确诊为糖尿病或正在使用降糖治疗)为研究对象。采用中国高血压防治指南2010修订版中定义的MS诊断标准,按照年龄、性别分层,分析该人群中MS的患病情况,用多因素logistic回归分析MS的影响因素。结果9 275例糖尿病人群中6 105例患有MS,患病率为65.8%,其中女性为70.O%,男性为64.9%。青年、中年、老年组MS患病率59.7%、66.O%、68.8%。各年龄组男性患病率分别为61.4%、64.9%、67.o%,女性患病率分别为50.3%70.7%、78.8%,不同年龄组患病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。青年组MS患病人群中,女性以WC异常率最高,为100.0%,男性以血脂异常率最高,为86。3%。在中老年MS患病人群中,无论男性、女性均以血压异常率最高,达96,0%。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,青年组人群中,吸烟增加MS发生风险(OR-----1.89,95%C/:1.09~3.28),中老年人群中,男性发生MS的风险较低(OR=O.77,95%CI:0.67~0.89;OR=O.48,95%CI:O,35~o,66)。结论糖尿病人群中女性MS患病率高于男性;MS的患病率随年龄增长呈升高趋势;吸烟可能增加MS患病风险。
      Objective To observe the prevalence of metabolic syndrome(MS)among people with diabetes.Methods 9275 diabetic patients(FPG was≥7.0 imn01/L or FPG<7.0 rnl TlOI/L butdiagnosed as diabetes or having history of diabetes,or were under hypoglycemic agents treatment)of101 510 employees of Kailuan group who took physical check-up between 2006 and 2007,wererecruited to take part in this study.Using the latest defined diagnostic criteria on MS from the 2010 hypertension guidelines,prevalence of MS among the population was analyzed,according to age andgender. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to test the relevant factors of MS.ResultsThere were 6 105 cases with MS among the population with the prevalence as 65.8%(female:70.O%,male:64,9%).Stratified by age and gender,the prevalence rates of MS among young-age group,middle-age group and elderly group were 59.7%.66.O%and 68.8%.respectively.The prevalence inmales among the three grouDs was 6 1.4%,64.9%and 67.0%,respectively.The prevalence rates in females among the three groups were 50.3%.70.7%and 78.8%,respectively.Stratified by age andgender,tlle prevalence of waist abnormal in female was t11e highest(1 00.O%)in the youth group thatwith MS.However.the prevalence of dyslipidemia appeared the highest(86.3%)in males.Ine elderly group with MS.the prevalence of abnormal blood pressure was the highest in both males andfemales.uD to 96.O%.Results from multi-factor logistic regression analysis showed that cigarettesmoking would increase the risk ofdeveloping MS in the youth group(OR=1,89,95%CI:1.09-3.28) and the risk of developing MS of man was lower than women in the middle,aged grouD(OR=0.77,95%C7:D.67-O.89;19R=O.48,95%CI:0.35-0.66).Conclusion In the diabetic population,MSprevalence in female appeared to be higher than in males.The prevalence of MS tended to increase with age.CigareRe smoking could increase the risk of MS in the youth group.
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